Description: As per a request on the amaroK developer's channel, here you go, my suggestion for an amaroK icon Based around the wolf from euneks' brilliant icon (nice look, didn't scale so well) from the contest, my suggestion shows a wolf howling, with the three circular looking things symbolising sound waves, and of course, with them being compressed against the howling muzzle, it also slightly resembles those diagrams you see of a jet on it's way to super-sonic speed. This is also the reason for the name for this icon, Super-sonic Wolf.
P.S. If anyone wants to take a shot at crystalizing this icon, please do Last changelog:
The original was without highlights, that's what this version adds. It has also been adjusted slightly for scalability (the wider lines makes the icon more contrast intensive, hence it scales better)
Based around the wolf from euneks' brilliant icon
My Friend, flattery will get you everywhere, thanks for the compliment, and this is a great icon!
I love open-source.
this is the idea you wanted to show to me.
Its nice! The waves give it a dynamic feel, but what i have to critise is the color palette. Try to use more vivid colors. I think that would make it better.
As I think I already mentioned on IRC, my Crystal skills are horrible ;) This is very much closer to Reinhardt (all that really needs doing for it to be a Reinhardt icon is removing the highlights, and you're there), and that is also why I asked wether someone with better Crystal skills would like to make a Crystal version :)
And thanks too ;)
Ratings & Comments
Based around the wolf from euneks' brilliant icon My Friend, flattery will get you everywhere, thanks for the compliment, and this is a great icon! =) I love open-source.
this is the idea you wanted to show to me. Its nice! The waves give it a dynamic feel, but what i have to critise is the color palette. Try to use more vivid colors. I think that would make it better. greets, flo
As I think I already mentioned on IRC, my Crystal skills are horrible ;) This is very much closer to Reinhardt (all that really needs doing for it to be a Reinhardt icon is removing the highlights, and you're there), and that is also why I asked wether someone with better Crystal skills would like to make a Crystal version :) And thanks too ;)
Great icon!
would love to see that as the new default icon