Description: This is a metallic orange version of "GreenIcos" -- Where those were green and rounded, these are sharp, metallic, and, well, orange. Posted at Fingel's request.Last changelog:
0.1.1 - Bugfix: added folder for other sizes than 64x 0.1 - Pilot
Ratings & Comments
I installed the file from the tar file, but i only get about 2 icons to use? why is this? And I'm using KDE4.1
they perfectly match my orange desktop color scheme! thank you =)
I can't install these icons. I can't even unzip the file. Any ideas? (suse8.2)
you dont need to extract them, just choose the file you downloaded in kcontrol > appearence > icons > new iconset
Great work, I can't wait to see more of them!
subject says it all :-)
Yeah. They are awsom, but other sizes too, please :)
I've tried your icons now, and I hope s
Cool icons, but folder.png is only 64x64 size, could you add other sizes as well?