so please if you voted bad let me know why so that these icons can be improved.
this is 200 icons totaly made from scratch using SodiPodi and ImageMagic in scaling
actions = 101
apps = 29
filesystems = 39
mimetypes = 31
these icons is svg icons but i have problems with svg so i rerenderd them in png format with 5 sizes
16x16 22x22 32x32 48x48 64x64
i recommade using 32x32 and above

the main color is dark blue but maybe i'll release diffrent color later

preview 1 showing the toolbar icons
preview 2 showing various icons from all types
preview 3 showng some icons new from 0.02
I'm not supported from anyone so I do it only in the free-time.
PS. if anyone interset helping me please contact me at so that i can send him the source files
now you don't have to download the whole set again, if you have 0.01 installed just download the update package from:
tar zxvf iconaty-0.02-update.tar.gz
cd 0.02
cp -rf * ~/.kde (or .kde3)/share/icons/iconaty/
Ratings & Comments
I like them! They're very simple and functional, which is a welcome change from the very "sophisticated" icon sets like Noia and Crystal. It's also very good from a useability point of view. I was talking to a visually impaired friend today, and he was complaining that the only KDE icon set he can use is hicolor, which is a bit ugly. I'm sure he'd like this when it's finished (please do finish it!).
thank you very much, i'm happy you like them :-) i'll do my best to finish them as soon as possible
I like these too, they're a great attempt for an iconset with a difference. Of course the folders are a bit 'crystalesque', but if Crystal is GPL, I see no problem in that.
It looks like you've got off to a good start. I look forward to seeing more of your work. -Tim
To be frank, they're not much compared to the "great" icon sets like Crystal, Noia, et. al, but it's a very promising start. Not that I should be one to talk, I guess, since I don't have the time or ability to do this. Anyhow, the more people we have putting thought into good, solid icon sets the better. Keep it up.
yeah you right and i know that :) and thanks for the comment
If this is your first ones, in my opinion, you have the potential to be one of the best icons makers. keep on your good job.
thank you alot :))) realy i need this encouragment yes, this the first icons i've ever made hope you like it