Description: Five KDE start-here buttons in Faenza Style. They're part of my work in spare time (and some procastrinated time), a decent port/fork of Faenza for KDE - it will be released as soon as I can.
Just copy the contents of the theme you want to ~/.kde4/share/icons//places/ (or /usr/share/icons//places/ for system-wide installation), and reload your icon theme.
Yes, and no. It's a port, but I'm making icons for those apps and things that doesn't have an "upstream" version: rekonq, calligra suite, plasma, akonadi, nepomuk, kget, kile, dolphin, kdevelop, fontmatrix, okular, krename... Also I'm making icons for the system tray, for use with plasma themes.
I forgot, I'm redoing another icons (kcalc/speedcrunch, desktop, kate, kopete, marble, minitube, showfoto, trash, kwallet...). The main idea is to develop a coherent and complete icon system for KDE, not just doing a port.
That's just amazing!
I'll keep an eye into your icon theme, but you'll need to track Faenza to give us a beautiful fallback while you redo those icons. Oxygen as fallback won't look good.
Ratings & Comments
"They\'re part of my work in spare time (and some procastrinated time), a decent port/fork of Faenza for KDE" Another port of Faenza?
Yes, and no. It's a port, but I'm making icons for those apps and things that doesn't have an "upstream" version: rekonq, calligra suite, plasma, akonadi, nepomuk, kget, kile, dolphin, kdevelop, fontmatrix, okular, krename... Also I'm making icons for the system tray, for use with plasma themes.
I forgot, I'm redoing another icons (kcalc/speedcrunch, desktop, kate, kopete, marble, minitube, showfoto, trash, kwallet...). The main idea is to develop a coherent and complete icon system for KDE, not just doing a port.
wow, I will be waiting for that great job then ;)
Me too :D
Please take a look at this preview and leave me your suggestions, insults, etc.
There is already KFaenza. Perhaps you should join that project and supplement it with your KDE-specific Faenza icons.
Yes, but KFaenza it's only following Faenza. I'm redoing most of the icons, with another style. Then that don't make sense.
That's just amazing! I'll keep an eye into your icon theme, but you'll need to track Faenza to give us a beautiful fallback while you redo those icons. Oxygen as fallback won't look good.