Games Icon Pack
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Icons in 16x16 22x22 32x32 48x48 and 64x64 size.
Extract the tarball in /usr/share/icons/hicolor or $HOME/.kde/share/icons/hicolor
Please comment !
Added icons for:
Unreal Tournament
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Omikron - The Nomad Soul
Added icons for:
Quake III
Counter Strike
Diablo 2
Added icons for:
Urban Terror
Day of Defeat
Team Fortress Classic
Added icons for:
warcraft III
Soldier of Fortune II
Ratings & Comments
These are awesome! I coveted them from the moment I saw them. It took a me a whole 30 seconds to download and replace the icons. If you have more, they will be in demand. Excellent work!
Free games are the ones which in many cases lack artists. I'd be glad to see some icons for those too, be it KDE games or others.
you'll have a tough time trying to get halflife to work on wine... winex will do the job pretty good... but nothing will be better than the native game
HL/CS work great as long as you stick with OpenGL and not Direct3D or Software renderers ^_^
I love Half-Life and Counter Strike, but the only way that I saw they run under linux is using Wine... I'm looking for a way to run HL/CS similar to Quake 3 or Castle of Wolfestein under Linux, because they ROCKS instead of running them under Windows... Please, send me an answer !
There's no native support for those games, but they work very well with wine or winex, there is just little problem with menu but in game that's rulzzz.
Are these games that actually work under Wine?
you make some icons for the KDE games. I know they are less spectacular but I've grown to love Kpat ans Shisen-Sho. But most of those icons are a bit clutterd and unclear. (not simple task I think) Also I miss an icon for KFouleggs. Anyway, it is nice to see some icons arrive who take care of games/apps everybody is using but nobody designs a nice icon for .. take care .. Fab
Great game icons here !! Keep up the great work !! Also can you add Day of Defeat ( HL Mod ), Counter-Strike and Diablo 2 : Lord of Desturction icons as well ? P.S. Again thanks for the great icons man!
How about 1 for Diablo2 LOD... Good job on these
UT icons too! Great work! We want more!!