Outline is an iconset that I work on my free time. Some icons from "Outline" have inspired a redesign of "Crytal", known as "Crystal SVG". This is just a preview, wenever possible, I'll post new icons for this Iconset.
im sure everything that i say will be covered, however jsut to point out that on your website you have a typo -
On the main page (home.html) it should say "outline : icons" for the mac, instead of "oltline : icons" I think i am right.
Ratings & Comments
The link isn't working
I really love these icons they are superb, I actually preferer Outline over Crystal. Excelente trabalho Everaldo !!
Hmmm, when using normal size, the icons don't change for folders that are shared. The icon is correct when using small ones !
please MORE of these icons!!! Thanksalot, btw.
KIDS and outline are GREAT icons sets because they allow to use very small icons (which is really unusual for an icon sets).
than crystal.
im sure everything that i say will be covered, however jsut to point out that on your website you have a typo - On the main page (home.html) it should say "outline : icons" for the mac, instead of "oltline : icons" I think i am right. :P Seb
thanks:) I am fix it:)
Keep up the great work Everaldo.
i really like them!