Description: Icon set for KDE 3.0 and KDE 3.1 Complete iconset with 587 original icons. It can be used as individual icons for X desktops, or as a complete iconset for KDE 3.0-3.1. This is a variation of the 'Noia' icons. It uses 'warm' colors, and have some different designs (folders, browser arrows,...). Please, read the 'readme' text file for more info (including complete iconlist and howto's). This iconset is under GPL. Read the 'readme' text file for information about ports, and the 'gpl' text file about the license. Enjoy it! CarlitusLast changelog:
0.95 Initial release 0.95 11-august-2003 Updated broken download link
I dig the icon preview man, but I'm getting the authorization message as well. I really dislike these deviant art uploads because it always seems like there are downloading problems.
403 Forbidden
You do not have permission to get URL '/icon/nixicons/noiawarmkde095.tar.gz' from this server.
What the f*** is goin` on with this server???
as much as I would like to try this icon set, I get nothing but this error when I try to download...
403 Forbidden
You do not have permission to get URL '/icon/nixicons/noiawarmkde095.tar.gz' from this server.
The theme is beautiful! I've been using it for a few weeks, and there is one change I'd like to make: I'd prefer the 3.5" floppy disk icon (apps/kfloppy.png) for "save" in stead of the hard drive icon (devices/hdd_mount.png). Is there any way I can change the theme to use the floppy icon for "save" actions in all kde apps, while keeping the hdd icon everywhere else where it's used?
Well done!! You really did a superb job!
I just can't stop looking it!
Please could you tell me which is the theme
you are using and which is the wallpaper
with a face in the third preview picture?
I like this set and the fact that it isn't blue, especially. But the device icons look too much like toasters to me, particularly the HDD. Maybe they could be made a bit shorter in height?
IMHO what would be cool is if KDE had multiple device icon specs such as zip_internal_umount and zip_external_umount.
Muy buenas,tan solo felicitarte por tu trabajo es realmente genial.
Acabo de entrar hace poco en el mundo Linux y estoi realmente encantado de tener esos maravillosos iconos en mi escritorio en vez del feisimo windows je,je
Ratings & Comments
You can download the icon theme about this link:
Sorry, that link you provided is the same exact link that the download link points to. It doesn't work either. Everyone, try this link - It gets you the RPM version. You might get an error message, but go ahead and say OK to proceed. This link worked fine on mine.
Sorry, that link you provided is the same exact link that the download link points to. It doesn't work either. Everyone, try this link - It gets you the RPM version. You might get an error message, but go ahead and say OK to proceed. This link worked fine on mine.
I dig the icon preview man, but I'm getting the authorization message as well. I really dislike these deviant art uploads because it always seems like there are downloading problems.
Hey, somebody should answer - I cannot donload too!!!
The link to the download site is at a ristricted site. Cannot download this icon set
Great theme!! But I can´t download it, it seems like the download link is broken, please if you fix this let me now,
Please Changa PINK/RED folder icons to oragne/brown/old style. :)
Thanks for the link! :)
Hello, Where can I download this particular wallpaper that's behind the icons. Sam.
403 Forbidden You do not have permission to get URL '/icon/nixicons/noiawarmkde095.tar.gz' from this server. What the f*** is goin` on with this server???
Try going here: You can DL from that page.
as much as I would like to try this icon set, I get nothing but this error when I try to download... 403 Forbidden You do not have permission to get URL '/icon/nixicons/noiawarmkde095.tar.gz' from this server. thttpd
Love the icons, but where did you get that wallpaper from in the third picture ? It's remarkable, and it matches perfectly with my Noia Warm icon set
The theme is beautiful! I've been using it for a few weeks, and there is one change I'd like to make: I'd prefer the 3.5" floppy disk icon (apps/kfloppy.png) for "save" in stead of the hard drive icon (devices/hdd_mount.png). Is there any way I can change the theme to use the floppy icon for "save" actions in all kde apps, while keeping the hdd icon everywhere else where it's used?
Very very very good work man. Thks.
This icon set is the best, man ;-) Keep up the great work and hope to see more great stuff from you in the future...
Well done!! You really did a superb job! I just can't stop looking it! Please could you tell me which is the theme you are using and which is the wallpaper with a face in the third preview picture? Thanks!
I like this set and the fact that it isn't blue, especially. But the device icons look too much like toasters to me, particularly the HDD. Maybe they could be made a bit shorter in height? IMHO what would be cool is if KDE had multiple device icon specs such as zip_internal_umount and zip_external_umount.
this has gone on my desktop tonight and it looks great. my congrajulations to the author - an astonishing piece of work.
Muy buenas,tan solo felicitarte por tu trabajo es realmente genial. Acabo de entrar hace poco en el mundo Linux y estoi realmente encantado de tener esos maravillosos iconos en mi escritorio en vez del feisimo windows je,je Salu2
...say thanks to You Carlitus! You're doing great job!
These three go very well with the new icons:
que la versi
Great work!