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I've just fixed the download and install problems people were having!

(If you have KDE 3.3 or greater, please use the SVG version of my iconset:

Yes, they are grey.

It has been a while, but I finally motivated myself to work on the set again.
I now feel happy to call this set "Version 1.0".

With 1776 pieces of SVG goodness, I believe that my iconset is the most comprehensive of any in KDE - tell me if it is also the best
As KDE 3.3 has now been released (with improved SVG support), I have released the SVG version of this set in parallel.

The response to this iconset has been amazing, especially the few emails I have received - thanks everyone!

(Created as SVG in Inkscape).

I also strongly recommend my Flat extras pack:
This package contains loads of extras that cannot be easily installed - Flat splash screens for apps, colour schemes, misc images, etc. - for a consistent Flat desktop.
Last changelog:

0.96c - Now at 1680 icons.
In this release, I have continued the cleanup of many of my icons, and added over 100 new ones. Many of these new icons are for SuSE.

0.9.6b - Now at 1561 icons.
Though I have still added a few requests - and I still have some more to do - the main aim for this release was the cleanup of many of the icons - I think that there is a noticeable difference in the quality of this version compared to previous ones.

0.9.6 - I have decided to release again, as the changes have built up: added all of the requests for icons, tweaked many icons to make them look better, changed the juk and noatun buttons - now much better. And of course, 48 new icons.

0.9.5 - Now at 1486 icons.
Again, not too many new icons (80 new ones, many application-specific), but I guess it is time to update anyway
In this release, I have tried to satisfy requests - added icons for gaim, gkrellm, amarok, also a few new folder types - but I cannot think of anymore on my own

Rest of changelog in README.

Ratings & Comments



I also get an error when unpacking the PNG version. I really like these icons. Would it be possible to get the set repacked and uploaded again? Thanks! Error: gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file tar: Unexpected EOF in archive tar: Unexpected EOF in archive tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now


danny, how are you doing? :) i decided to go back to png, as with svg my computer works a bit slower. can you please repack? thanks (btw, have you seen the wallpaper ive sent to the KDE SVG wallpaper contest?)


Same problem as the last two posts. I like this icon set so much that I'm updating to KDE 3.3 - the SVG version doesn't seem to have any problems being recognized however it does seem to cause problems with KDE 3.2. There are alot of us out there that prefer this kind of simplicity. Thanks for a great set.


Hi! I was hoping that this issue was only being experienced by a few people, but it seems more widescale - I promise that I will now look into it :) Danny


Oh yes, and thanks for the feedback :) Whilst you are getting the SVG version, you might want to try out my black-and-white version that I am currently working on: Have fun, Danny


I also get errors when I try to install it via kcontrol.


flat1.0.tar.gz gives an error message (not a valid icon archive file or something like that) I get errors if I try to untar the file ...


I'd like to have flat 1.0 non-svg for kde-3.3 too. I use kde on a laptop and using SVG icons get the system much slower. Thanks for your wonderful iconset!


Don't worry - the "Flat 1.0 (for KDE 3.2 or older)" works fine on KDE 3.3 as well. It is just the set in PNG format for older installations. Danny


has 0kb :(


That is probably because it is a link to the SVG iconset page here on Danny


Ok, I have found the problem. It is fixed now. Thanks for telling me :) Danny


nothing wrong with dull coloured icon sets, but this has got to be the most boring and depressing one I've seen. you could put a *little* colour in... the actual drawings themselves are nice. Hell, if school wasn't keeping me so busy, I just might do it myself.


flat is GREAT because it is that way.


Hehe, thanks for the comment :) Well, yes, they are "subdued" - however, try using them for a few days, you might start to like them. Icons are supposed to have a function, not get in the way of the user - that is my thinking anyway. I did start a colour version of my icons, but I got bogged down producing 2 versions in parallel - now that the set is "version 1", I might start again. If you only want me to change to a different colour, tell me, and I can easily produce that. Danny


the download link above is not working. Does anybody know where I can download this nice-looking icon set?


Thanks for the recent comments everybody - I know I haven't been on here enough recently, but I have been occupied with other stuff. Will upload an updated version soon! Danny


I like these a lot. There really aren't enough good "flat" icon sets like yours out there. :)


...ahh love this icon set. i have waitet so long for such a set. my hole desktop is black n white. colors should be used for signals not for ambiente...


Hey dannya, you might want to edit the description to link to the Flat SVG for GNOME set. Your current description still says "in the process". ;)


I'm using KDE 3.3 Beta 2. Kontact now has built-in support for spam filters like Spamassassin and Bogofilter. This adds some buttons to Kontact that do not have matching icons in Flat. Haven't had time to research their names yet.


Sure, I will add them. Though, because I do not have the 3.3 beta, I will need the names of them. Danny


I would really like this theme set. I like simple flat tones. However, the servers are down :( If you can get hem to me, my email is


download link is dead


could you please add your other content and update the links on this site... i really want the flat2 splash...

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version 1.0
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