Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Run the buildset script
Select your custom kmenu icon (xeyes is good)
Wait for the icons to convert
Wait for the tar.gz or tar.bz2 to build
Install using kcontrol
Why the script?
6.5 MB versus about 20 MB.
And the script can be used by icon artists! Just
create your 128x128 icons then use the script to
create the additional icons!
Added Info
The SuSE icon added to the package (apps/suse.png) is under BSD license by tkdesign-studio.com provided on kde-look.org.
Additional icons provided by other icon packages with written / or distribution consent.
The GPL'd buildset script is included in the package, as well as the separate download.
Added gentoo kmenu / buildset support.
Improved the toolbar icons.
3.00 Slight fixes between 2 and 3, mainly little icons like
kmail inbox/outbox/sent_mail.
buildset script now supports different sizes in a variable (SIZES).
Added some SuSE type value-add stuff. Like icons for SuSEwatcher and
SuSEplugger. I'm not a SuSE user, so I don't even know what they're
2.x Internal Templates for all sets
Fixed the script to support BSD too I hope.
Added more icons and synced sets up together.
1.01 Fixes
The script implicitly support whatever distribution you're using.
Before I inserted absolute paths for the utilities, but now I am
using a better method.
I also commented the buildset script as well as created an added
index.moreSizes.desktop file for kcontrol. You can look at the
buildset script and see spots where you can add more sizes, I used
56x56 as an example. Since SVGs are not going to happen, I can
at least provide this. Just keep in mind whatever sizes you
specify, the index.desktop file will have to reflect that.
1.00 Initial release
Rade8 packages are now using build scripts to limit the amount of
obnoxious bandwidth these packages use. Added icons including
(not limited to) kmixdocked, kmix_muted, new konqueror icons,
changed save icon, apps/icons...
Ratings & Comments
hi, are you porting sascha's new icon set minium also? would be really nice :)
How can install this icons in a iconpackage? I don`t know where i use the builtset file? greetings georg
Run the buildset file from a terminal. Open up an xterm, cd into the directory, and type ./buildset
the buildset produce a failure :( her is it............... Checking for bzip2... found /usr/bin/bzip2 Checking for tar... found /bin/tar Checking for convert... which: no convert in (/home/hgw/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/opt/gnome/bin:/opt/kde3/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/jre/bin) no. No convert found in path. wath is wrong? greeting Georg
Convert is part of the ImageMagick package. I believe http://www.imagemagick.org, most disros should have it by default.
*Nice* job ! And the option for Gentoo ... thank you !!
There does not appear to be a difference between the mounted and unmounted icons in any of the RAD.E8 sets. Would it be possible to add this please, so that we can tell at a glance which volumes are mounted and which are not. Thanks, StevenR