Neon Icons
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is the first time that this set has been available in various sizes. Many more icons need to be created, but I think I have made enough progress to justify my first official release of this set.
I've created a few more mimetype icons and started making my action icons. I have lot more work to do, and I hope to make one more update prior to fall classes starting. So far, I have mostly concentrated on the icons I use. As a relative newbie (9 months of Linux) I'm not sure which icons are most important to eveyone else. Please either let me know so I can work on them or feel free to make them yourself and I can incorporate them into the set.
I have added a few more icons to every category. I would appreciate some input from others as to which icons are still needed.
I updated some of my application icons (Opera, XKill, XMMS), added several mimetypes and folders, and I added a lot of action icons that even incorporate most of the icons used by krusader (default 22x22 only, for now) .
I have added many icons (i.e., gaim, via a request, and scaling to my action icons) and I am working on OpenOffice.org icons (not yet complete).
Ratings & Comments
This icon set is beautiful. Where can I find this icon set? For some time I have been editing all the old icon sets from the KDE3 era, and then reposting them here, compatible with Trinity Desktop but also for other desktops. If you republish it here I try to modify and republish it here: https://www.pling.com/s/Trinity/p/1484013
These are superb icons. I think they will do nicely with Deo's Neon window decorations. I DO like the one you have but I REALLY want to know where to get your wallpapers!
yea these icons are really cool. Also as the previous poster mentioned, that window deco is really nice, can you provide a link for obtaining that as well?
What theme (etc) are you using for the windows decorations (title bar, maximize, sticky, etc..)
this is great, before i only had the standard KDE hicolor icon theme, but now i can enjoy looking on icons again !!! mvh. Redeeman
I love this icon set, it's so orginal !! Please gives us more icons with this style. A full complete set that includes both KDE and Gnome icons would just ROCK !!
this set just keeps getting better, and i like the new gaim icon too :), and the new kmail one. Its more of a mail icon almost. Keep em comming.
it looks good with the neon icon-set, where can we download that ? thanks
you can find the wallpaper at: http://www.digitalblasphemy.com/dbgallery/5/thetismoon1152.shtml
thanks so much, the picture is really beautiful !
good job on the icon's. I've always been a fan of the crystal/acqua or whatever keeps littering the desktop world. But its very nice to see something so origional and just plain good looking. I've been using them since your 0.4 release or whatever, and this new update is awesome. One suggestion though, could you make a gaim icon in the next set. You don't really have to, but it would please on of your fans. Keep up the good work man.
I appreciate the compliment. I will include a game icon for you in the next release.
thanks, i can't wait for the next release
WoW Nice BG with all that palms and saturn in the back upon the ocean... I'ts really futuristic. Tell me where I can get this bg! Thank you
http://www.digitalblasphemy.com/dbgallery/5/thetismoon.shtml Take a look around the site, it is well worth it. Joel
Hey how did u get your gkrellm transaprent? Been looking for it for a while now....
You can download the 'invisible' skin for GKrellM at the following website: http://muhri.net/gkrellm/nav.php3?node=gkrellmbyname Once you unpack it, place it in /home/(your user directory)/.gkrellm/themes/ and it will be available to use.
That website address should just be: http://muhri.net/gkrellm/ and then just choose to search for a skin by name. The skin's name is invisible.
Know that this is off-topic, but when I use the invisible theme for gkrell, it still borders it with a small white line. In your screen shot it doesn't. did I do something wrong?
You didn't do anything wrong. I think it is an error in GTK+. Sometimes it does that. The only remedy I know of is to reboot (as restarting you X-server seems to be insufficient).
This was done in The Gimp eh? You did a great job!!! ^_^
Wow, this is great job ! Bravo, Bravo, Bravo !!! I think, it's the only set of none blue incons on KDE-Look. I was so tire to see all this blue only icons, I'm so glad to see that some one have an other colors than blue in his photoshop / Gimp colors :-) Very nice job also, the icons look nice :-)
I was really just trying to make something a little different. I'm glad a few people seem to like it. Just in case you were curious, they were all done using the Gimp. My absolute refusal to allow an M$ OS enter my home eliminates any possibility of using Photoshop.
I really don't understand why people use an non-X OS for promoting an X OS. I very happy to see that someone like you understand that you can't promote something you don't use :-) I'think you make beautyfull work and I hope you will post more !
Nice looking icon set but when I click on the download button it gives me one of the preview pics instead!