Lush 0.1.0
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Brand new icon theme for kde.
This was created with illustrator 10 in SVG format.
david vignoni
Thanks to:
Troels Tolstrup: hosting icons and site.
Luca Corsini: additional icon design.
new icons, retouched some, mail actions
Dload size ~ 2 MB
Added actions. re-designed filesystems and devices icons, some new mime.
Dload size: ~ 1.7 MB
Added many icons and changed some.
New cool trashcan!
DLoad size: ~ 1.4MB
Name changed to "Lush".
Added 14 icons for all sizes (70 icons)
New site
just changed download link.
PS: � primavera
First Release
73 icons 16px, 32px, 48px, 64px, 128px.
Total of 365 icons.
Ratings & Comments
... although I still have this issue about the similarity between the "gohome" and "reload" icons. Oh well, I'm approaching 50 and my eyesight is probably to blame ;) Olav
very very very good !! keep it up.
Hi. I'm looking for iconists who like the Lush icon theme and wanna help me to develop more icons quikly. bye
Finnaly, something thats not aqua/glass/crystal/OSX knockoff!
What is so special about these icons? True they are not blue, which is a bonus, but meh.
I think your new action icons are nice, except that the Lush home icon should perhaps stand out more - I think it's a bit difficult to telle the "reload" and "home" action icons apart with the current look. Maybe it would also be a good idea to include missing action actions from the Sky set until more native Lush action icons are ready for the world? The reason is that I think the Lush icons blend nicely with the Sky set, but they sort of "crash" with Crystal svg which is most people's default fallback set. Just some thoughts.
I'll try made "gohome" and "reload" actions clearer! About merging sky actions I wont do that. I prefer leave icons in their own theme packages. I'll work more on actions than other icons for the next release. bye PS:I'm happy to have convinced you to switch to Lush ;)
Keep up the good word, I love this iconset. The others are all too shiny and too sparkly, this one looks pleasant and does not distract from anything! I hope you finish the set soon and add the missing icons :P
I don't like the kmail icon. It's too boring and too far from the original. Why can't you just put in an orange K together with your envelope? But I do love the rest of the icons, it is definitely my favourite icon set.
I really like your work here. While crystal was a refreshing take on icon themes, I found to be a little too 'in your face'. Lush on the other hand has a more subtle and pastel colouring which I find easier to the eye and more tasteful. Hopefully you will recieve similar help as Evoraldo with his Crystal set. I can see this being the default set for many upcoming distros.
love it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it lovelove it love it love,, very nice... I'd rather have this than crystal any day!! Kudos!
... allthough I still have to copy the Desktop/Sky icon set into Lush for consistency. Perhaps you could include those in Lush yourself until you get around to a more or less "complete" icon set? Great work!
verry nice artwork. i like em all :)
i really like this icon set, and am using it on my desktop right now. i do have two suggestions though, take them as you will: first, i like home2.png more than home.png (i see you have it as the default in your screenshots), thats easy enough for a user to change though second, the kmail icon is pretty dull. a little color in it would be nice. other than those two things, i think this is a great icon theme
I love the icons. The wallpaper looks great too - what we can see of it. Where can we get the wallpaper?
Just wanna say to be patient, a new version with action icons will be released soon.
I really must say I think these icons are the best I've seen yet. Please make some more :).
These are some of the best icons I have seen. Please make more :)
Relax, Dave is probably working on a set of pretty, still clean, action icons so we don't have to add his sky action icons manually anymore :). Olav
This is definitely one of the nicest new icon themes I've seen recently. Please keep working on it!
the best KDE icons so far btw. I hate all the Crystal icons
The best SVG theme I've seen so far.
davvero belle!! hai davvero un gran talento!! molte icone sono di gran lunga superiori a Crystal ;-) Bravo, continua così!! P.S. Solo due domande ;-): - che font utilizzi negli screenshot? - dove posso trovare l'immagine che hai come sfondo nel 3° screenshot? sembra carina... :-) Grazie!!
il font è "Lucida Grande", l'ho scaricato qui da kde-look.org, prova a fare una ricerca con "SEARCH CONTENT". Lo sfondo lo trovi nel sito www.liquisoft.com ciao
this is great, unique and far the best in quality - cant await a near final version. go on.