Amaranth Icons

Icon Sub-Sets

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Smooth iconset for KDE -- Created using Adobe Illustrator 10. If anyone is interested in a window decoration/widget theme, and knows how to code it, let me know -- It's already being done for GTK/Metacity, and all it needs is someone to transfer the look to QT/KWin.
Last changelog:

0.8 - A few new apps, devices, toolbar actions, plus tar/zip icons, 213 icons (LGPL license)
0.7 - Basic action icons(25), source mimes, and new apps/devices/filesys, 183 icons. Removed 128x sizes.
0.6 - New apps, 117 icons
0.5 - New mimes, new apps, new device, and added specialized folders, 90 icons
0.4 - 15 mimetypes (tell me what you think), 55 icons
0.3 - All new filesystems (new folder!), 38 icons
0.2 - Added basic devices, 29 icons
0.1 - Pre-release pilot, 19 icons

Ratings & Comments



I like this icon theme very much, but I am missing a symbol for kontact - will there be an update? Thanks anyway, until then I can get along with the KMail icon ...


These are the most original of the finished icon sets I've seen here. There are several excellent sets, but they seem to be either explicitly or implicitly based on something else. Excellent stuff!


This is in my opinion the most professional looking icon set out there, and I'll be using it for years to come. My hat's off to you; thank you, and keep up the great work.


I will host these for you, just give me an email at (pfft vanity domains) The icons are stunning. -=] The color is perfect for high color themes and minimial themes. -=] Good work bro.


I registered just so that I could post a '*thanks*' for these icons. They're absolutely awesome. I bow down to your low-key understated work..


I like the icons, they look very nice. Is it possible to get a pair of USB-Stick icons? rgds, MaDMaik


Pretty good icons! :-)


The archive is no good. It has a gz extension but it's only a normal tar file. The directories are all bad as well. To fix, copy the archive to your directory of choice (/tmp here) and execute the following (some commands may be wrapped here): $ mkdir temp $ cd temp/ $ tar xvf ../amaranth-default-.7.tar.gz $ cd Amaranth/ $ rm -fr 128x128\\/ 16x16\\/ 22x22* 32x32\\/ 48x48\\/ 64x64\\/ $ mv ../16x16/ ../22x22/ ../32x32/ ../48x48/ ../64x64/ . $ cd .. $ tar cvzf Amaranth.tar.gz Amaranth/ You can now install the icons (Amaranth.tar.gz) using the archive you have just made. I noticed that this archive was broken some time ago but nobody said anything, so here is the fix ;-) -P


Ok, ok, I confess. I tar'd and gzip'd the archive on windows (ahh!), and have since learned my lesson. New release (0.8) should be good! Thanks for pointing that out, though.


:-P I figured as much. Maybe if you must use win for that you could use GNU tar for win32? Good stuff! Thanks again. -P


Nice icons. I love them. When will you upload more??? icantwait xD


ive been look for a good icon set, and this is it, are the icons very large? or do they adjust when you adjust resolution i run at 1240x1280(?)


Yes, I included 128x128 icons, for you people with obscenely large resolutions. Hope they help!


Really impressive icon set Keep up the great work!!! Unfortunately I'm missing the action icons, do you plan to create some of them?


Actually, I've got some basic action icons done (~25) -- but I've been trying to upload them for a week to, and everytime I try, it fails. I'm really getting annoyed at this. If anybody has a little bit of space (and bandwidth) on which they could host this set, please let me know. In the meantime, I'll keep trying freshmeat! Thanks!


Hi Doches, I have a little bit of space for you. If you need any, please let me know. My email: georg dot lorenz at gmx dot net


I must say, I am really impressed but what you have done... They all look really good... I am also really happy to hear that they are being ported for Gnome... I can't wait to see that... Keep up the good work...


i stil miss some action and some more mime icons.but its good


Nice use of color


Hello, How can I help you...


I love these, but why did you make a Kazaa Icon? Linux has its own p2p clients that are in DIRE need of good icons. ed2k_gui, giFT, Gnutella, QTella.. etc.


Good point. Actually, KaZaA (lite) runs rather well under wine -- but yes, it's not for Linux. Anyway, there's a Gnutella and a QTella icon in the new release -- Personally, I am rather fond of the Gnutella icon. Use it. now.


Absapositively love this theme... very very professional. Its very unique.. so the problem is inheriting from crystal or osX dosn't work too well. I think the apps have just the right amount of color... so the mime-types/file-systems might look better with slighly more tinge. Also, all the general desktop icons, e.g. home, trash, devices etc. could have similar quantity of color. For example, kfm_home looks grey-scale while trash, device icons are more colorful. I am no artist... so trust ur judgement, you are doing a great job. It could very well be on the way to be the best icon theme out-there :) -kol


Keep up the good work! I love your icons. Really cool.


The app icons look completely different from the rest, they look out of place. If they look more like the others i would defitinitely use these!

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