New Icon Set
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Thank You
New icons in version 0.07 of the New Icon Set
Action icons now scale all the way up to 128x128 pixels (previously only 64x64 pixels)
Added the following:
Added the following:
Added the following:
Added the following:
I've started adding more of the KDE specific icons (i.e., K3B, KsCD, etc.), while continuing to work on many of the other icons as well.
Most of the icons added in this version are the action icons for Konqueror. I have added some other icons as well, including a color correction to the spreadsheet mimetypes ;^)
I've added more icons, but still need to do alot more work. As requested I've added more lustre to some of my application icons.
I've added some more icons, scaled everything, and written an instalation file.
I've added ten more icons, and provided more appropriate names for all of the icons.
Original Post (20 Icons)
Ratings & Comments
hope there will be icons for kde apllications too. I don't like them in the menu line, but this is high quality work. congratulation.
Looks really nice. But some of the colors do not fit my taste, e.g. the spreadsheet icon has way too much pink and purple. But other icons are fantastic. I definitely love the trashcan and mozilla icons
PINK!! What was I thinking? I'll make sure that I change that before I release version 0.05. Sorry for the poor taste in colors. BTW, I'm glad you like the rest of the set.
I can see the slick influence :) .. nice job.
I do believe that I was just complimented by God ;-) Thanks Amibug
Thank's for your work. I use this theme by now! I'll wait for future release!
This Icon-Theme is really Great (In Fact, I don't like these Crystal Stuff) Recently I tried Gorilla (which also is not too bad) but this evening I will try your New Theme
Very nice icons!! by the way what karamba theme is the one you have to view news??. Ander
I don't think that news theme works with the latest versions of Super Karamba. What you're looking at is simply my own modification of the news theme that came with Karamba (not Super Karamba) 0.17. If I get some free time, maybe I can try and port them to Super Karamba.
I just installed the new v 0.3 set. Vrey nice! I really like the fact that it now has the install file - much easier. I like your icons. Please continue to add to the set.
It's very nice, but it does lose a lot of te slick style, for example the folder icons don't match the style. However, it is very nice on it's own.
While I started with some of the ideas from Slick I have started to diverge a little towards my own style. If you would really prefer the folders to be more Slick-like, maybe I can work on that after I get icons made for few more of the major apps;) BTW I'm glad you like it
nice to see someone adding to such a nice iconset. I particurlarly like the firebird and thunderbird icons and the folders. hope you continue working on this. thanks
can you put up a short tutorial on how you make those types of folders? that would be great! :) thanx
Maybe when I have the time I'll write that tutorial. For now I'll send you the development .xcf file so you can modify it till you're content. I consider all of my work to be GPL'd so feel free to redistribute it within the terms of the GPL.
I tried twice using different browsers and both times I get the following set of errors. [lrh@farpoint Updates]$ tar -ztvf NewIconSet.0.02.tar.gz drwxrwxr-x sean/sean 0 2003-07-20 23:20:57 128x128/ -rw-rw-r-- sean/sean 12241 2003-06-29 05:24:33 128x128/sound.png -rw-rw-r-- sean/sean 13543 2003-06-29 18:30:02 128x128/xmms.png -rw-rw-r-- sean/sean 5200 2003-07-20 21:31:06 128x128/mime_ascii.png -rw-rw-r-- sean/sean 8231 2003-06-11 19:34:23 128x128/folder_green.png -rw-rw-r-- sean/sean 6671 2003-06-11 19:34:45 128x128/folder_black.png -rw-rw-r-- sean/sean 26905 2003-06-11 19:32:38 128x128/konqueror.png -rw-rw-r-- sean/sean 18906 2003-06-11 19:35:26 128x128/kmenu.png -rw-rw-r-- sean/sean 8307 2003-06-11 19:35:49 128x128/folder.png tar: Skipping to next header tar: Archive contains obsolescent base-64 headers gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--crc error gzip: stdin: invalid compressed data--length error tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
Thanks for letting me know so quickly. I have now corrected this error. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Much better. The new file unzips and untars correctly. One question though: how do I install thew new icons? I tried Control Center -> Look & Feel -> icons & install new theme - no joy. It says the archive is not an icon theme. ??
Currently I have an insufficient quantity of icons (only 30) to justify a fully installable set. Whenever I reach 50 icons I will scale everything, seperate them into types, and write an installation file. If you want to use them right now, you can right click on an icon-->select properties-->and change the icon by selecting the image in the top left of the box that appears. You'll have to switch to other icons and move to wherever you unpacked the new icons at. I hope this helps.
"We have secretly switched the dilithium crystals in the Enterprise's warp core with Folger's crystals." ...damn, that ages you. And me. Stop that. ;)
Your Icon set is great, it will be very good to KDE to have it.
Well done! I see you went ahead with posting these icons without spending a week in a half fretting over what to name it. I should learn how to do that. ;) Your style appeals to me as a modernised Slick. Your surfaces are less metallic looking and more like the type of material they'd normally be made of, which is good--mostly. Currently, surfaces that look as though they are supposed to be reflective (like the KDE gear and the KMail icon's @ sign) don't have Slick's spotlight-like lustre, which is one of the main things I liked about Slick. Good work so far, though a lot more shininess would be welcome.
I've now added more lustre (as of version 0.04), to several of my icons. I hope you like it;)
IMHO it is very nice iconset. The Firebird icon is really wonderful. Keep going. It would be successful set.