The best SVG camera icon EVER!
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
OK---so it may not be the best ever, but it is my best SVG icon so far. The more I play the more I fall in love with vectors (and I went to college for 3d animation!). I think I like this icon so much because it is my first camera (Canon Eos Rebel---Christmas gift from my parents). I am including it in the LoGloss SVG iconset, soon to be complete. Last changelog:
I added a donation button to my website. Please, please, please donate if you want me to keep doing this in my spare time. Otherwise, my wife is going to set my computer on fire!
Ratings & Comments
Its very nice as a drawing but a lousy icon. I think an icon should be easy recognisable and simple - think traficsign. Would a traficsign have so much detail? Nope
I Dont think so, there are diferent levels of realisim for an icon, it just depends what use you want to give it, and whats the "scenery" the icon is going to be placed. So I dont think its a bad icon.
very good job!!!
It's a terrific camera icon - it beats the pants off the compact camera icons that tend to proliferate ... My Digital Rebel will hum with pleasure knowing its avatar now shares its sleek lines :)
wow you keep churning the good stuff out...and I'm glad that you nailed it again. I just happen to have this Camera myself. thanks!!