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Sparkling - an Icon Theme for KDE | 0.5

download,install,look,feel and comment,

thx in advance ...

dedicated to everyone who supports me

Here is the long awaited new version of Sparkling. I made many changes cause a i still didnt like some of aspects of the
iconset and added a few new icons.

--< learn to tolerate or die unhappy >--
Last changelog:

0.5 >------------------------(02|Sep|04)


-> all icons overworked

-> fixed shadow problems

-> a lot of small changes and bug fixes

-> new copy action icon

-> new network_local icon

-> new improved firebird icons

-> new open term icon

-> new monitor icon

-> new desktop icon

-> new folder_bin icon (now fits exec icon)

-> new button_cancel icon

-> new improved xmms icon (xmms_on extra icon)

-> improved email icon


Ratings & Comments




I get a 403 forbidden.


Get sparkling_0.5.tar.gz from or search for kde-icons-sparkling at


You don't have permission to access /da-flow/daten/sparkling_0.5.tar.gz on this server. Apache/1.3.27 Server at * Port 80


Well da-flow, its been a while, how are you doing? Im still looking forward to see more previews of that new iconset you are working on... Are you still working on it from time to time? Would love to hear what you have been up to anyway lately, what you've been working on etc.. Keep up the good work m8!


Hi da-flow It's me again, the dude who always whines :) Just wanted to ask, if you have done ANY work on the new version of Sparkling? You mentioned you plan to do a whole new iconset with svg and stuff.. Anything done yet? You are a too good artist to work on windows icons :P Please work more on kde iconset! :P Cheers!


Yes there is a whole new set which i started some time ago. Currently there are only a few icons. But take a look at it over at deviantArt. Here is the link: Enjoy the look and i AM working/finished with the amarok icon redesign. gonna send you an overworked/tweaked new version soon.


That is great! PS: i must admit, the new iconset is nice, but its not sparkling :( I don't like the stripes on them. But the rest is awsome!


The Iconset is online again. Read the above post for clarification about this issue. Sorry again, for the problems. flo


When i click the link to try and download it asks me for a password. Whats up?


I like to know too why to need password and username. Is reason that the packet is not in KDE-LOOK server?


Hi, There has been a server problem since 1 1/2 weeks. My whole webpage wasn't online.. -- Today my webhost contacted me that everything should work again and i can upload my data. I still don'tknow the exact issue. Im gonna upload the iconpackage in a few minutes, then everything should be o.k. again and the download should work. Gonna inform everyone when its ready by a comment. Sorry for the problems.


Take your time ... and think at the following ;) : What about having your home icon folder green coloured? like in Nuvola:


how's the next version of my favourite icon theme coming along? ;) pressure, just asking :) btw: congrats on winning the amaroK icon contest! ...didn't realize it was you at fist :]


its coming along very slowly i haven't done any work on it for a long time.. Too much pressure in my education,girlfriend,life asf. But its gonna come even if its in half a year. :)


Use more time on Sparkling and Girlfriend, dump education and life :P I love your work, but it needs more icons! Any possibility to get something like a "CVS" version? in the sence, that give me what you got so far? :) Your true and loyal fan, Xatax


One of my big problems considering sparkling is that its all done with bitmaps, like gimp or photoshop produces and no SVG. So if i continue Sparkling it off course makes sense, but it wont be usable very long cause what i know future KDE versions will use SVG files (vector graphics) as standard icons. :( Im considering to start a whole new set for KDE, but when i will start i don't know. Don't give up on Sparkling though, im trying to find time and motivation for it, but at the moment im stuck in a very depressive time in life.. Things are very troubling and dark.. im trieng to get it all cleared out, but the f**ing thing called life wont let me. :| Greets and a lot of thanks for the great support. flo


No Problems buddy, and thanks for reply! If you wanna talk about your problems, advice in anything, help or anything else, i will be happy to help you. Don't hesitate to drop by on amaroK's irc channel :) Ow and good luck with your "Life" problem :)


These I the best kde icons I have ever used. Smooth and sparkly. I love em!!! keep up the good work


I try to install the iconset using the provided instructions, and I get "File XXX is not a valid icon archive"... any thoughts? This happens on every file I try...


many ppl make the mistake that they first extract the files and then try to install.. WRONG 1. Goto K-Control/icons 2.Just select the whole .tar.gz file and hit "install" Finished ;)


Hi Flow! Still the best iconset i have seen! But, i would just like to ask, have you done some work on it lately? Could you just give us some info of what and WHEN to expect to see the 0.6 or perhaps 0.5.1 version? Thanks in advance!


I have to sadly admit its coming along very slowly i haven't done any work on it for a long time.. Too much pressure in my education,girlfriend,life asf. But its gonna come even if its in half a year. :) (not that this is what i expect, i hope i have time for it in the next holidays and they are in 2 weeks)


Hi Da-Flow, There is a great "technical" site called the "NETWORK-INTEGRATED MULTIMEDIA MIDDLEWARE", they have had contact with the KDE multimedias developers. They also have a nice "icon page" which reminds me of your xmms icon, which I think could evolve later into the same kind of multimedia icon. (See top-right of the page) Just some thought :|

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version 0.5
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
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