The "Kids" iconset are this competing in the annual icon contest the PixelPalooza 2004 ( ) please contribute with your vote and help me to continue creating icons for KDE.
Sometimes mac-people just make me puke...
Why the hell are they all using a packing/compression tool one must pay for ?
Well, anyway, has anyone figured out how to unpack those .bin archives over there ?
I downloaded a stuffit trial (eek), unpacked an archive, got another archive inside, unpacked it again, and all I had was empty files.
Apart from that, I voted for your icons Everaldo. IMO "kids" is not your best icon set but hey, it's a matter of taste ;)
Keep going, we're all very thankful for your excellent work and contribution to the community.
debian package available:
add this to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb ./
run this:
apt-get update
apt-get install kde-icons-kids
On your daughter! :D
About the icons, they are great!
One observation, I think the icon of the KPanel should stand out, but the opposite happens... every icons stands out more than the K on.
(portuguese translations, sort of)
...great set from everaldo. Congrats on the daughter, and congrats on another great icon set. Since it's Thanksgiving, thanks so much for all the work you put into all your icons! :D
Ratings & Comments
For ArchLinux users a package is available at the AUR community page:
Sometimes mac-people just make me puke... Why the hell are they all using a packing/compression tool one must pay for ? Well, anyway, has anyone figured out how to unpack those .bin archives over there ? I downloaded a stuffit trial (eek), unpacked an archive, got another archive inside, unpacked it again, and all I had was empty files. Apart from that, I voted for your icons Everaldo. IMO "kids" is not your best icon set but hey, it's a matter of taste ;) Keep going, we're all very thankful for your excellent work and contribution to the community. Respect.
Hi I my web site ( you can find linux and windows version. .sit is only for mac. regards
you can vote at:
OK. Votado para seus ícones. Obrigado!
So how does one go about voting anyway? I'd like to help Everaldo out but I don't see where the links are on
I don't know ! How to help you ? JP
...So I'm officially not entering PixelPalooza this year ;). God, you're unbeatable. Real talent. And you Open Source all of it. Awesome.
Finally some refreshing, new artwork! My new favourite.
Everaldo, when can we had the pleasure for one more update of this nice icon? =)
Simply incredible. Congratulations on the new daughter. :)
debian package available: add this to /etc/apt/sources.list: deb ./ run this: apt-get update apt-get install kde-icons-kids
I don't know very well how to say it in english, so I'll say it in spanish (my mother language):
Gozei! :)
I love the smiling mozilla dragon. The other one was sooooo scary ;-) amazing iconset!
Can you post the wallpaper which you have as a background....
he has already
on your daughter Milena. I wish the best for you and your family and ... keep on rocking (in a free world)!!
man it`s awesome!!! :________________________________)
man, are you some kind of god ?
On your daughter! :D J.A. P.S.: About the icons, they are great! One observation, I think the icon of the KPanel should stand out, but the opposite happens... every icons stands out more than the K on. ----------------------------------- (portuguese translations, sort of) Parab
Great Icon set - congratulations .... is there a way to get this comical wallpaper ?? thankxx a lot ... you're really great ...
...great set from everaldo. Congrats on the daughter, and congrats on another great icon set. Since it's Thanksgiving, thanks so much for all the work you put into all your icons! :D
woa !! the best icon theme since a lonnnnnnnnnng time !! I love them :)
As usual, great work!