Chaninja-Subzero icons builder

Icon Sub-Sets

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--"ChaNinja, where are you?" upgrade,------

Sorry,this is my last update for a while. Is that for a number of reasons:
-I'm involved in too much projects
-I need some newer functions in my art-programs (especially perpective and
fuzzy-shadow in inkscape or better cel shading in blender...)
-my CRT monitor is working bad another time, have to change it :-(
-Project is being downloaded a lot, but comments are still not much and vote
is decreasing constantly, this makes me lose interest...

I think I'll restart this project later,
but I cannot specify when, bye

1--- download and untar chaninjabuild
2--- download the chaninja subzero iconpack (go to , scroll down to icones & PNG,
downloads PNGs link) and remember where you save it.
5--- in a terminal,go inside chaninjabuild directory
7--- run ./buildset ,then choose:
a) where you putted the PNGs .rar file
b) your kmenu icon (options are there)
c) the color you want (blue does not require conversion: is faster)
d) at end, if you want the PNGs which were in the rar to be deleted (which you may want to keep
to build in another color...)
8--- now you will find chaninja.tar.bz2 (/chaninjared.tar.bz2/chaninjagreen.tar.bz2)archive
inside chaninjabuild directory,
you can safely move somewhere else, delete chaninjabuild dir, install as usual
(from KControl -> look n feel ->icons -> Install new iconset).

use ./buildset -help to check other option (mainly to ignore kdialog or ignore unrar operation)

NOTE: new colors archives will be named chaninjared and chaninjagreen
and considered as different themes from KDE.
Also, some player icons (stop and pause)
need a revision.

Changelog for 0.6:

-new SAT= script parameter to manually choose
the intensity of red/green colourschemes,
use ./buildset --help to know how to use.
-Better script check, now it's safe running it from Konqueror (in case,
will ask for chaninjabuild directory)
-Corrected pause and stop actions icons & Amorok.png..
-Added 2 trashcan icons.
Please report bugs (if present) since buildset is now more than 500 lines,
and add comments + critics (vote for good if ya like!)

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Is there somewhere else I can download the PNGs the link provided on that forum doesn't seem to be working.


Hi. Your job is quite beautiful. My problem is that I'm a noob and don't know how exactly I'm supposed to make 'em work. Someone please help me. Using SUSE 10. Thanks in advance


Download the package here and the RAR package at (scroll down to "icones & PNG" then downloads "PNGs" link) decompress the chaninjabuilder package and the .rar package , then enter in chaninjabuilder directory and ,if you have kdialog installed: doubleclick builderset . Follow the infos and you will get the Chaninja*.tar.bz2 package inside the chaninjabuild directory. Install this package (Chaninja*.tar.bz2 with uppercase C )as a normal iconset.


I have noticed that the Amarok icon is named "Amorok.png", a typo maybe?

BTW, you could add some more icons to the 16x16,22x22 and 32x32 actions folder:
  • The 2 trashcan icons, renamed "edittrash.png" and "emptytrash.png".
  • Console icon renamed "openterm.png"
My toolbar looks great with them ;)


???? "Amorok" and "Amarok" icons are not included in this theme, you are using the ones from crystalSVG (standard for your kde) I suppose. BTW, thanks for the other suggestions.


I meant this icon:
Thanks for the good work.


Whoops, you right, corrected (with better pause and stop icons) in 0.6, out in few days


the build process all went fine. I got a 3.4 Megs tar.bz2 archive then which i can install via kcontrol without problems. But the icons dont appear when i click on OK or Apply. Any ideas? using Gentoo Linux and KDE 3.4.2 I only got one thing about mv: Ready to go! Converting all icons! (about 15 seconds on an Athlon 64) mv: cannot overwrite directory `Chaninja/128x128' Done with conversions.


Hum, 3.4 Megs seems to me a bit littler than normal. the 128x128 error was given by the starting script. I'm changing it from the bases so stay tuned for 0.5. (sorry, no more help with that little feedback, for now u can just try to restart with a clean directory....)


No, 3.4 Mb would do, I think (I'm using a set a bit different so can't be sure). Try to check your ~/.kde/share/icons/Chaninja directory to see if them are installed fine. (should be there and show...)


You wouldn't mind making a Gnome port of these would you? :D


For gnome there's ChaninDjoole, search it through the web....


The Chanindjool icon set is not complete - doesn't have My Computer icons, GTK stock icons (arrows & stuff), etc.


I love this set!
Could you add a kmenu icon for Kubuntu or just a "distro-independent" one?


Thanks for suggestion, I'll try to add indepentant (and kubuntu, if I'll find one that does not require permissions) in next (0.5) release (7-14 days)


... for reporting. 900 dowloads and no-one told me that the link was wrong, in deviantart they mirrored just windows icons,and we need PNGs. Link corrected.


Ok, now the merging procedure ( ./mergeset) will accept every directory starting with "ChaNinja" (filled with the original iconset bit). If you had some issue with mergeset now they should be gone.


I just tried to build all this, but whatever is supposed to provide the ChaNinjaStyle_Icons_SubZero_PNGs directory is missing from the archive I downloaded using the link. Also, bit from Deviant comes as a zipped self-extracting rar, so the instructions could be a bit clearer there. Otherwise, I'm really looking forware to this. The blue/white color scheme will go great with mine, and I'm sick of crystal.


OMG, you are right! get the exe file out of the archive, rightclick and select "open with ark" , and choose rar as format. Then uncompress all files (with original path) under "chaninjabuild" directory.


Also you will need to rename the directory. (argh!) I'll change installation procs for 0.4_beta up in some hours.


You are supposed to download the PNGs from a link in the comments of the author but it seems broken :(


thanks to you also, link corrected.


...but could change your title i.e. replace the underscores with plain spaces? You're screwing KDE-Look layout. As for the iconset, you got my vote. ;-)


Done. I forgot also to excuse me if my Icons aren't perfect as the original ones, I'll improve while adding others.


These look awfully good. Please make sure you can get all the permissions you (we) need !

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version 0.6
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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