One more thing---I set up a Paypal donation link on my homepage. Please donate a dime. More than anything, I just want to be able to tell my wife that I am actually making money doing this. I don't have to tell her I only made a dime, but I can't just lie

Ratings & Comments
We've been waiting for these for long. The best set of icons ever.
HEYYY where are you ?? why no post in so long ?? Those are the most beautiful icons ive seem in a long while - im tired of all those tux'n tosh hacks lying around everywhere. Finally something both original and beautiful ... please do not abandon, we want those icons !!
Woah, impressive. I'd definitely use these if you made a whole theme.
This is simply AWESOME!! You must do an icon set with this icons XD You have my support =D
This is truely awesome. I would really like to see this turn into an icon set. Keep up the good work man.
I think both projects are great and should be integrated together that's why I donated $10 I know it's not much but I hope it gets the ball rolling for others. Go on now.. For the Wifey!
This is just awesome. The best icons I've ever seen!
.. then LoGloss, especially in terms of geometry. more of this kind please ;) (see if you can do sth. about the device items, the z axis seems to be stretched)
it's awesome, you really need to make entire realistic vector iconset. I didn't like how LoGloss look. They are not realistic. This is how it should look!