LoGloss SVG
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
If you like these icons (or any of my other work) please consider visiting my homepage and donating a small sum. With all the spare time I spend doing this, my wife is going to throw my computer out the window.
I darkened the folders slightly to make them stand out a bit more. Also I added my new camera icon and took away the block device icon (because it was boring).
I fixed the buildset so you don't have to type anything --- it just works. I also added some action icons.
v0.3 sources release
No substantial changes. I just uploaded the .svg files to my Google page. Have fun
Ratings & Comments
Partly very well done! Some stuff looks unfinished though.. keep it up!
What's the point of an incomplete theme? It's sort of like selling a car without tires or a steering wheel.
So you can take the steering wheel, if you like, and put it on your car.
I'm not mechanically inclined. That's why I want the steering wheel on the car to begin with.
please make more!!!
Please add the "folder_locked" icon.
128x128 only
Oh, man, keep up the good work. This is a fantastic icon set.
hi!! this is a very beautiful icon set, but i would use the blue folder as default... how can i do?
Just rename the blue icon that you want as default to "folder.png"
but when i rename the folder, the image become as default image... from blue to yellow....it's normal?
Finally, I have found icons set that fits my style. Its simple, profesional looking and very elegant. Now I have all I need for my desktop theming.
very nice work friend...
This icons are quite good, but some of them, like the "Enter" button, are not realistic...
i'm using gentoo....which package include convert utility??
...found: ImageMagick :)
Hello, As I am a begginner, I have no idea how to install it on my SuSE 10. Could you please help me installing this theme? Thanks
Download the File, unpack it. Got to the unpacked file, there is should be a file called buildset. Press F4, a Terminal will be opened. enter ./buildset . The Iconset will be built. After that there is a new file in the folder called bla.bz2. This file can be imported into Kcontrol. Good Luck
I'm having problems on 3.4.3 to get the icons to change with this theme...they change in the control panel's preview window but that's about it.
Make sure to use the buildset script first. Then link to the file script creates, not the one you installed. The way it works is by taking one size icon and creating all the other sizes from that. This keeps the file size down, but the iconset is pretty much useless unless you run the script. It takes a while to do it's job---be patient.
Good work but I can't find svg files
I haven't released them yet. I will soon! When I do I will post a link to my site and everyone can download the SVG sources and make changes. I would like to see other people's derivatives. Sorry for the delay.
Thanks very much for svg file!
I'd like to know how to install this on mandriva 2006 ? thx
Unzip the file and run the buildscript. That will produce another file "LoGloss.tar.bz2". Open kcontrol and click on the "icons" expander. Click "install new theme", then just point to the location of the "LoGloss.tar.bz2" file. Viola! As a side note, I usually use Cezanne and Vista Inspirate to fill in the gaps in this theme. To do this simply drag the "128x128" and "32x32" into Cezanne and run the buildscript included in that package.