Kore & More BG for Kooldock/AWN + Icons

Icon Sub-Sets

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Backgrounds and reflective Icons for Kooldock
+ Kore-Theme for AWN
+ Misticyan-Theme for AWN
+ Blacklight-Theme for AWN
+ Vortiz-Themes for AWN and Kooldock

You can find the latest Kooldock under:

RPM-Files of Kooldock 0.4.7 for SuSE are available at Packman:

I made some reflective Icons out of Everaldo's great "Crystal Project"
(http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Crystal+Project?content=60475), Saki's wonderful "nuoveXT"
and BGthekafu 's "black-white 2 Gloss" for Download.

More reflective Icons for the Leopard-Background You find at:

NEW !!!

Vortiz - Themes for AWN and Kooldock

Blacklight for AVANT-Window-Navigator and Kooldock

Misticyan (Minimalistic Cyan) for Avant-Window-Navigator
(Set "Icon Effects" to "3D Turn" for best result !! )

Kore for Avant-Window-Navigator

For Users having problems with Compiz-Fusion and Kooldock, I've added the Kore-Theme for AWN

Hint for Kooldock:

There are two ways to replace the Kmenu-Icon with an reflective Icon!
Ugly Way:
Replace the Kmenu.png in the KDE Icon-folder with Your choice.
Don't forget to save the original icon!

Better Way:
Disable "Show K Menu" in the Kooldock_0.4.7-configuration.
Add a new application and call her Kmenu. Choose an icon.
As command give in:

dcop kicker kicker popupKMenu 100,200

In advanced options disable "Enable launch feedback"
(100,200 are the coordinates to appear on the screen, you can change them.)
Move the icon to the left position. Done!

My Kooldock-Settings:

Autohide On
Enable Taskbar Off
Show K Menu Off
Use KBFX Off
Don't scroll .. On
Navigation Menu On

- Icon Text
Show text .. Off

- Icon Sizes
Small 48
Big 56

- Background
Don't allow wider bg On
Corner scale free On

CPU-Priority 5
Desktop Clipping Off


Beryl/Compiz - Themes:

XMMS/Audacious - Skins:
Last changelog:

2008/08/17 Vortiz - Themes added
New Blacklight-Theme for Kooldock added
Gimp-Icon for refl. Icons added
2008/04/13 Blacklight-Theme for AWN and Kooldock added
2008/03/16 Misticyan-Theme for AWN added
2007/11/22 Kore-Theme for AWN added
2007/10/13 DarkGlass and BlueGlass BG and additional Icon's added
2007/10/26 YAST Icon added

Ratings & Comments



Can anyone explane me how to crate reflective icons from an icon theme? thanks!


I have downloaded the icons for awn. I istalled them into awn themes and it will not let me use them. They are listed in the them section of the awn manager, I can even select them and click apply, but nothing will change. can anyone help me with this one? I have Kubuntu (8.0.4)/Avant-window-Navigator (3.1). Thanks, brandonblm


The all text one -- amazing! ...but could someone explain how to set this up on kooldock? I'm freakin' lost. :(


To install the backgrounds "extract" the downloaded Tar.gz -File into the background-directory of Kooldock. ( /usr/share/apps/kooldock/backgrounds/ or /opt/kde3/share/apps/kooldock/backgrounds/ ) In Kooldock-Settings choose as background the new background. To install a new icon in Kooldock, Just edit an application (Right-Click on the Icon) Click on the Icon-Symbol and You find a dialogue to choose another icon. Choose one out of the extracted Icon's directory. Have much fun, ottlux


I like your wallpapers. Where can I get them? Thanks!


Hi, thank You for interest! I've now listed all wallpapers on top in the description. Click on the links, and You find them directly. Have much fun. ~ ottlux


Hi Everybody, i have downloaded the icons pakage 'Reflective icons userwish' and I couldn't install them on my Kubuntu Gutsy, whe I try to install the new theme, appears a message that says 'the file is not a valid icon theme' or something like that, so I'd really like know how to do it. thx folks


Hi Mix, Refl. Icons are primarly made for Kooldock. To use them, you must extract them and change manualy the icons on your dock or of your system. ~ ottlux


Thnx ottlux now i have a little problem trying to install the kooldock do you know where can i download it?


I have found a Deb-Package of Kooldock 0.4.7 at: http://allynelectronics.com/debs/kooldock-0.4.7-1X4_i386.deb Try it out, when it's o.k. and you want to start kooldock automaticly on startup, then set a link to kooldock in KDE-Autostart. ~ ottlux


I just want to tell your hale has been really useful and now i enjoy a beauty desktop so thnx for everything


Very good work! I'd like to know where do I find the window decoration and the widgets style you used in the second screenshot.


Thx for Your good comment ! On the second screenshot i use: Compiz: Kore Suite (http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Kore+Suite?content=54701) Style: Domino ~ ottlux


Used these icons and the gimp to invert the reflections so I can put the bar at the top of the screen and it looks sweet. Still got a few bugs i.e. when a window is opened and the kooldock is on screen the background is not refreshed but I'm sure stuff like that will be sorted in time.


Hello everyone, i?m new in linux and i'm trying to install the reflective icons in kooldoc. I installed the bacgrounds folowing the instructions in the site but the icons don't appear in kooldock. i'm running kubuntu 7.10 with an ATI 1400. thanks in advance


1. extract the folder with icons (reflective icons 1.1.a) to a newly created folder (ex. my_kooldock_icons) 2. after the extracting there will be 4 folders containing icons. 3. put your mouse cursor on the kooldock icon you want to change and right click on it 4. select edit item 5. the window pops up 6. go to the upper left corner and click on the icon image (still the old one, the one you want to change) 7. icon source window opens 8. now select other icons click browse and search for your folder containing the extracted icons (the my_kooldock_icons folder with 4 sub-folders) 9. select the desired icon from any of those 4 sub-folders and click ok 10. if the changes you made do not take the immediate effect restart the cooldock (reload configuration button). hope this helps, regards bandito


I appreciate your fast reply but, unfortunately i did all of that and the icons still don't appear. there is the space, i can click but there is no image of the icon. I would appreciate some help


The only thing that comes to my mind, is to try to change the whole icon theme with crystal icon theme. You can dowwnload it from [url=http://www.everaldo.com/crystal/crystal_project.tar.gz]here[/url] I think reflective icons are based on crystal icon theme. After the download, just install the theme using kcontrol (kde control center). Click on "look and feel" and "icons". Click on "install new theme". Save changes and exit. That should automaticaly replace all the icons with the new theme, kooldock icons included. bandito


Thanks Bandito for your concern, but even this didn´t workded. The icons of everaldo appear but wen i substituted them for the reflective ones they disappeared Thanks anyway


I just installed the kooldock .deb package on my Debian / Lenny. Invoking Kooldock from console results in the following lines: ~$ X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3 Major opcode: 20 Minor opcode: 0 Resource id: 0x36ae140 while I was writing these comment the error repeated as: X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3 Major opcode: 20 Minor opcode: 0 Resource id: 0x1b662b5 Can anyone give me some hints on that? I'm using kde 3.5.7.


Hi, detected strange behavior in my case... Without any additional window on my desktop, the icons appear shaded with a nasty white-color layer. After opening a window (terminal, firefox, etc.) the icons look as they should (wonderful). Any ideas ? I am running fc8 with kde 3.5.8-7 and nvidia G0 6400. Excellent job in any case, keep going !!! Cheers, Sergio


Hi Sergio, Do You use Kooldock or AWN ? If it's AWN, first install the actual version ( AWN 0.2.1 ). AWN is sometimes not reacting correctly on changing themes ! Then You need to restart AWN and change special setting manually. Thank You for comment, ottlux


Hi ottlux, I am using kooldock: sergio:~$kooldock --version Qt: 3.3.8 KDE: 3.5.8-7.fc8 Fedora KoolDock: 0.4.6 No idea what can happen... Please take a look to a snapshot : http://ific.uv.es/~segonzal/kooldock/snap.jpg As I said, in the presence of any kind of additional window, the icons look ok. I may try with awn, but would like to solve this issue with kooldock. Any suggestion is apreciated !! Regards, Sergio


Hi Sergio, The Icons look really strange on Your desktop. My first advice is to update Your kooldock. Actual version is 0.4.7 , it's a very stable version. Your Problem maybe solved with it. Thx, ottlux


Yep, I should have tried the latest version first !! Works nicely now with 0.4.7. Sorry for the noise... cheers, Sergio

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