Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It was an alternative “trashcan" for KDE 2. Since then I’ve continued designing icons and started many themes to increase my skills and improve design quality, these were: "Desktop icons", "Sky", "Lush" and finally "Nuvola".
It tooks me more than a year to reach version 1, the more professional, consistent and complete Nuvola theme ever released, it will turn your KDE in an eyecandy colourful desktop.
If you never tryed Nuvola what are you waiting? give it a try! For the others waiting this release since a long time… download Nuvola 1.0 now!
Have fun and enjoy your desktop!
David Vignoni
Date: 15 october 2004
Version: 1.0
Size: 13 MB
Date: 6 august 2004
Version: 1.0 rc1
Size: 11.5 MB
Date: 27 april 2004
Version: 1.0beta
Size: 9.4 MB
Date: 29 july 2003
Version: 0.2.5
Size: 2.4 MB
ChangeLog: Download Ripristinated
Date: 16 july 2003
Version: 0.2.5
Size: 2.4 MB
Date: 17 june 2003
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 8 june 2003
Version: 0.1.0
Ratings & Comments
it's very great! i like it!
best icon theme for KDE, i hope the creator can update this icon theme
I love this icon-theme have much style, . really need an upgrade, and put more icons like Telegram, an a lot of etc . . . I like it, because it's not like the themes of today, all the plans for the "Material Design", loose people who say they are "artists" but do not want to "design new art", much less with their own personality. i hate that of themes of today, all are plans, but i love fatty, round and/or curves themes. just a few users we remember themes like "Keramik", "SuSE" (Default on SuSE Professional 9.0) all those types of themes have been forgotten in favor of flat themes and lacking own style
"Flat themes" not "plans" (i hate the self-correcting function) xD
Download link is down. Any alternative download links available?
i really looked everywhere for beautiful legal icons .. till i found yours XD i also treid some myself .. but they weren't so good/nice as yours :$ .. great job ..
You know, Nuvola icon theme IS kde for me. I have tried everything else and I revert back to Nuvola everytime. It feels like home - nostalgic.
Very true. I dearly love it too.
...one simple word: unbeaten.
I've been using this icon set now for a couple of weeks and liking it more and more. There is just one little minor nit (isn't there always). The folder icon with the heart on it. It looks nice and all but to me it looks really out of place. They seem to be the default choice for the bookmarks toolbar and I wouldn't mind it so much if I could figure out how to change them to something else. Other than that it's a great icon set.
It's a great theme, but in my opinion, the icon used for executables doesn't fit. Apart from that, it's a lovable theme. :)
Hi. It has been a long time I haven't looked at this page. I'm so happy to see Nuvola still that popular. Well, Nuvola fans, I have a big news: Nuvola will be in KDE 4 as an extra icon theme :) That means that I will probably do also some mantainence. Thank David Vignoni
Great! Thanks for your work! :)
Nuvola is awesome. I've tried many icon sets but nothing comes close to it. I use the Nuvola set for Firefox, but I sorely miss it on KDE4. I hope one day Nuvola will be available for KDE4.
Hello, please could you add some special icon for psi instant messenger (http://psi-im.org) and xchat irc client (http://xchat.org)? Thanks
No one still have produced a set of icons of such quality and style. It is two years that I'm using nuvola and they're still the best of all!
Possibly the best set of icons I have ever seen & used.
what color-scheme, and which window-decoration do you use? looks great
Could you please add the folders from the SphinxOS Nuvola Theme? They look way better (IMHO).
I like it that Nuvola is still number one :-) You have a note on your homepage about releasing nuvola probably as svg - do you have any new information about that? There are rumors that gnome-folks has released a SVG version of your icons, would you work with them together?
Nuvola is officially on Gentoo's portage, and it works marvellously xD Congratulations, you've made an incredible icon theme.
nuvola is now official part of debian: http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool/main/k/kde-icons-nuvola/ keep up the good work!
The only thing I don't like is the amaroK icon, which I don't manage to change!
This icon set is the one I keep returning to. The only thing it misses is icon set for firefox and thunderbird.