Here i show you how i wish that the new "drop shadow" of KDE3.1 should be.
Unfortuneately i am no coder

Don't think i am ungrateful. No. I think the people of KDE did a great job

Perhaps my wish is not much more work and perhaps not too late to be ready for KDE3.1 final.
(Forgive if i am wrong - i am no coder as i said before and i have no clue how much more work this could be)
Visitors of Where could i
send my wish and is it possible to attach my screenshots ? Who has experience with the kde bug/wishlist ?
I don't want that the default amount of shadow is substituted by this large
one in my screenshots.Perhaps later
versions of KDE could have a slider
for that or a 3 level option (small,medium,large) for shadow.
Perhaps my wish is already obsolete and someone works on that.
I put the two screenshots in fullsize in this tar.gz file. Have a look !

The new drop shadow is so coooool !!!!
Ratings & Comments
is this drop shadows?
That are "faked" drop shadow shots by me. I made the sahdow with the gimp.
I mean generaly, what is drop shadows, I can't see any shadows somewhere on that picture? Don't understand what it's supposed to look like.
better in the tarball! I wanted to let users with slow connections decide wheter they want to download that package. So i made the screenshots small. In the tarball you can definitely see shadows !
I hope that this will be possible in the future. A few months ago here was a screenshot "Future of X". Someone asked for shadows too. He thought that Xfree would have to do the part. At this point I thought shadows would be far far away. Now we have shadows :) That's the cool thing on KDE: It has all those pretty high end features and those you miss will come one day :)
is impossible (currently).
something in the text. My wish is more shadow and it should be softer. Applications that are over other applications should drop shadow on them. Is it possible that for example gtk Applications drop shadow by having the KDE window decorations around it ?