if you click on my nick you'll find many screenshot
recentely i've upped a normal screenshot...like many others
can be likely or unlikely..but when you get 34% in just one day...this means that someone do this just for sport..and not with critic..so i'm terrible hungry because no one here can control this kind of voteI'm not alone...many people denounced this sistuation recentely..
i don't care 30% or 80% ,because if i was reach 120 download in less than one day..means that the screen is good
anyway..nobody posted a motivation of 34%
Now i'll up another time my last screen..so you can see that someone here thinks that is a joke..giving bad vote to all stuff..:(
I don't wreally care about the voting... I'm tweaking my screen for me I just wanna share'it here with others if someone thinks that's a bad/good screen he or she can just say it... why
I'm more happy if I got a comment to it than a good or bad vote...
If you think that is so bad why don't you argument it.... or maybe you should post a screenshot of you're desktop... let's see if you've got a better one...
Ratings & Comments
overdone and unfitting. None of the parts fits to another part.
if you click on my nick you'll find many screenshot recentely i've upped a normal screenshot...like many others can be likely or unlikely..but when you get 34% in just one day...this means that someone do this just for sport..and not with critic..so i'm terrible hungry because no one here can control this kind of voteI'm not alone...many people denounced this sistuation recentely.. i don't care 30% or 80% ,because if i was reach 120 download in less than one day..means that the screen is good anyway..nobody posted a motivation of 34% Now i'll up another time my last screen..so you can see that someone here thinks that is a joke..giving bad vote to all stuff..:(
I don't wreally care about the voting... I'm tweaking my screen for me I just wanna share'it here with others if someone thinks that's a bad/good screen he or she can just say it... why I'm more happy if I got a comment to it than a good or bad vote...
If you think that is so bad why don't you argument it.... or maybe you should post a screenshot of you're desktop... let's see if you've got a better one...
from here kde-look.org
love the look. where did u get the kool wallpaper?
yeap I know about it but I'm too noob in Linux to install it from source and Mandriva doasn't provide bynaries...
:)) Nice, if you haven't tried, get KDE 3.5 it has some better features.