I'm using a GFX wallpaper I've downloaded from www.deaddreamer.com, using a oval mixture and pattern effects.
The Style is Teax, using a Color scheme i've created, The Windows decorations are Quartz (Included in KDE), and Slick Icons.
The Noatun skin I've downloaded from www.endeffect.com.
I'm considering to upload this theme, but first, I must convince deaddreamer and endeffect people if they wish submit their creations, 'cause i don't want to break licenses (If i would... I'd be using windoze... jejeje)
Nice shot and theme.
Maybe the menu font shouldn't be shadowed with this grey color, because it blurs the text and makes it a little difficult to read. What about a white shadow? Or a grenn one?
TeaX Style only (at the moment) can only turn on/off text shadows, you can't change shadow colors... the only colors you can change, are the background and fonts colors for menus, but no shadows... I used black as font color for readbility (sorry if i wrote it wrong, I'm Argentinian)... So... in next releases or in KDE 3, I hope we can manage that detail...
I tuned my desktop like this is because light green is clean and fresh to use it for hours, has a "fresh" look, and Feng shui says green is a color to be creative, your ideas grow up... I don't think this scheme is so distractive at all, 'cause if you like the look 'n feel of your desktop, you'll enjoy using your pc, whatever you do... from using it to learn coding using Kdevelop to chatting and listening your mp3 or ogg collection with KVirc and Noatun...
Is something like nice clothes... If you like'em, you'll use'em everytime you want... And thanx for your opinion !!!
Greetings from Argentina...
You match colors nicely. Everything fits well.
A little too busy for my tastes...a lot going on with the fancy titlebar text, three toolbars, complex backgorund (first screenshot)...can be a little distracting for working, makes it look a little crowded, but that's just me.
But I've never seen green used in a well, usable, way like that before. Good job.
Ratings & Comments
i see you are running knights there. you should try out the "penguings" chessmen theme there.. :) nice desktop.btw. .b
Nice shot and theme. Maybe the menu font shouldn't be shadowed with this grey color, because it blurs the text and makes it a little difficult to read. What about a white shadow? Or a grenn one? cheers
TeaX Style only (at the moment) can only turn on/off text shadows, you can't change shadow colors... the only colors you can change, are the background and fonts colors for menus, but no shadows... I used black as font color for readbility (sorry if i wrote it wrong, I'm Argentinian)... So... in next releases or in KDE 3, I hope we can manage that detail... Greetings!
I tuned my desktop like this is because light green is clean and fresh to use it for hours, has a "fresh" look, and Feng shui says green is a color to be creative, your ideas grow up... I don't think this scheme is so distractive at all, 'cause if you like the look 'n feel of your desktop, you'll enjoy using your pc, whatever you do... from using it to learn coding using Kdevelop to chatting and listening your mp3 or ogg collection with KVirc and Noatun... Is something like nice clothes... If you like'em, you'll use'em everytime you want... And thanx for your opinion !!! Greetings from Argentina... Sergio
You match colors nicely. Everything fits well. A little too busy for my tastes...a lot going on with the fancy titlebar text, three toolbars, complex backgorund (first screenshot)...can be a little distracting for working, makes it look a little crowded, but that's just me. But I've never seen green used in a well, usable, way like that before. Good job.