To all you talented coders ! I don't know anything about coding

I read on Mosfet's Homepage that he will possibly bring out a new Bug-fix release of Liquid. He also wrote that coders could send him patches he would possibly integrate into Liquid.
As i switched the style in Kcontrol center from keramik (with kicker transparency-patch) back to Liquid

the kicker isn't transparent anymore.
I got the clock transparent too after i switched from Keramik to QNX and then to Liquid.
Please ! If someone has the time and will to code a patch for Liquid it would be a great thing to make mosfet's kick ass style more perfect ! Transparency for the kicker with Liquid is my very wish.
Notice: I guess Mosfet could write transparency for Liquid himself, but he spends a lot of time in a new version of the great Pixie ! Read his News on his website. I can't await the day it get's ready for use ! It will be a killer app.
!!! And please please please don't bother Mosfet with "When comes the next Liquid emails" or similiar things. He works a lot a the moment on his to things Liquid and the new Pixie with a lot of needed features. !!!
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Hi KDE People.. my question is: is that possible to set the border of the 'Kicker/Panel' to "0" so that it is invisible ? My opinion is, many kicker-backgrounds or themes would look more beautiful and of course more professional if the 'white' rectangle isn't visible. It will look more smooth..! but, the size of the Kicker should not be smaller than the current size (including the white rectangle) ! why does it make a sence?: because, if someone needs the colored 'rectangle/border', then it is just simple to paint it in the kicker-background by himself, right? :) But i guess, it might not be possible to hide the border, because of the QT-functionality, or am i wrong ? I hope, theming of KDE will become more flexible/modular (for example, mixing parts of diffrent "Styles" or KDE, though, it is already great. Greetings.. ^-^
what I have felt all the time! Liquid needs a transparent kicker in my opinion, then it would not only be 100 % perfect, but 200 % ;-) (genau meine Meinung ;-))