^_^ KDE+GNOME ^_^ (is not a fake)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Kde desktop and Gnome desktop together!! ;-)))
suse linux 9.1
kde 3.3.1
gnome 2.8.1
xorg 6.8.1
---------------------- Last changelog:
suse linux 9.1
kde 3.3.1
gnome 2.8.1
xorg 6.8.1
v1.0 / the first release.
v1.1 / Added:
top kicker
rounded kicker corners
gartoon icons set
Ratings & Comments
Besides, it looks far more like KDE than GNOME to me.
I like the style of this desktop ! Could u tell me which wallpaper u are using? It's great, I would like to have it too. ;)
I don't get what's so special about that?
Didn't RedHat already do that with Bluecurve?
Looks like you're running KWin, Nautilus, and Kicker. It's a great idea, but there's nothing strange about it.
Oh my suse has gotten rid of the last reason to use it.