Current Desktop:Left side: two erss rss feeds of den-4 and osnews - plus a kicker panel showing the systrayBottom: kicker with taskbar v2, kmenu, media icons, and time - as well as a borderless transparent gnome-terminal showing tail -f /var/log/messagesWindow decorations are generated by the Window Decoration Generator package located here at KDE-Look.Also running xorg-6.8.99-r3 with xcompmgr.
Ratings & Comments
Wonder how you got your menubar having a custom color than the rest of bg (same color as windeco)
I hacked lipstik. case CE_MenuBarEmptyArea: renderGradient(p, QRect(r.x() - 2, r.y(), r.width() + 4, r.height()), QColor(59, 122, 193).dark(125), QColor(59, 122, 193).light(125), true);