MinMax Desktop
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Ratings & Comments
I was just wondering where you got the wallpaper from the first screenshot?
U can download all the wallpapers from the website.. http://www.pixelgirlpresents.com/desktops.php Its really cool ..and all wallpapers are from that website only.. enjoy..
how can i use a konsole in (super)karamba?
I m not using konsole in superkaramba.. That is Eterm.. here is the script.. kstart --alldesktops --keepbelow --skippager --skiptaskbar Eterm --geometry 90x30+365+315 --trans=true --borderless --scrollbar=false --buttonbar=false -f white --cmod 150 -c white & save it as name.sh if you need a transparent Eterm remove --cmod 150 and if you have to brighten it more increase the amount you can run the following script (provided Eterm is installed) Enjoy.. if you are still having any problem you can post or mail me ..