I'm pretty sure this will get unfavourable reviews.
I have no userphoto code in this theme by choice. If you want userphotos, it shouldn't be too big a deal to put them in
the green might be a little bright for you, but that's easily changed too.
I based it on the kopete and clean themes.
Additionally, if you don't like your system messages being called "(something's afoot)" you can add those to the list of things you edit

Ratings & Comments
That's a gorgeous desktop? What's the style and windeco? Love the theme, hope to see it in something I can install, because it looks great :)
Um, whoah, I'm tired... sorry about the incorrect punctuation. D=
To KDE...I've Been Learning As Fast As I Can... Anyway Please Gimme A Hand With The Themes Thing.I Just Migrated From AMSN. 'N' I've NO Idea Of How To Install The Styles. I've Kopete 0.12. Is It Cuz I've V12 'N' this Is For V11? Any Comment Would Be Greatly Appreciated. Thank You In Advance. By The Way. This Style Rocks Big Time! Very Professional Look 'N' Remarkably Well Polished. I Really Want To Use It.
To install themes, go to Settings > Configure > Appearance > Chat Window, and click "Install..." Unfortunately, I'm not sure Kopete uses the same format for theme files anymore. I couldn't get it to install.
uuuh yeah...that looks really awesome. It makes me change from gaim to kopete :) continue like this *thumbs up*
OOo.. this is lovely. Looks so fresh :)
How can I get your windeco?
http://kdelook.org/content/show.php?content=32946 :)
This is really good looking actually. I like your whole window layout, except for the vista-like windeco. Otherwise it great ;) Shame im using the 0.12-dev branch, don't think this will work here though.. Keep up the good work!
thanks for your comments, both of you :) When I get kopete .12 installed I will either release another version of this theme or I will adjust it so it works in both versions. I'm not really sure what the theme differences are so we'll see :)
unfavourable reviews?! bullshit... this looks so damn beautiful, get your self-esteem up.