Clean (Kopete Chat Style)

Kopete Styles

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A Clean and simplistic Kopete style.

My aim is to replace the default theme in kopete, if you wish this to happen, or appreciate this theme, vote "good" for me.

This style supports every single editable property kopete do, such as userphotos, colored messages, configurable font size, font family, etc.

If you speak hebrew or use a Right-to-Left language, please contact me, I might have issues to work out!
Last changelog:

Seventh Release (v1.2.0):

Initial Bidirectional Support. (Needs testing!)

Changes Since v1.0.0:

Proper highlighting
Colorful output
Shapes based upon font-sizes for enhanced usability.
Correct wrapping under userimages.
Support for Colored Messages
Shows protocol icon next to name.
Displays contact photos.

Ratings & Comments



Great Theme! It's hard to find a "clean" one. ;-)


Thanks! You might want to use the default kopete one from kde 3.5.x, as that is also clean (though not as visual nice according to me, they cut off a lot of space :/) My wish turned true, I have contributed! (kopete in 3.5.x is based on this one :)


I'd like to use your style but i dont know how to install it. I imported the file but i dont know where put data folder :( Someone can help me ?


After importing it should be in the list of themes!


You have the ability to show other people's Icons.. but not your own :( is this a kopete limitation?


hope that it becomes default!


Hi. I'm using it on Debian, however i can't manage to get the colors nor the pics working. I've tried by installing it in /usr/share/apps/kopete/styles and in $HOME also. Any hints?


install it in /usr/kde//share/apps etc. see the contents of install.txt, that's how I install it at my comp.


The problem is that in Debian that path doesn't exist :)


Hi, thanks for your great kopete style, but it doesn't seem to work on a Mandrakelinux Cooker, since it shows nothing except a blank screen. I've got KDE 3.3.2 and Kopete 0.9.2 so, do I need to update something in order to make your style work ? :-) Regards.


Hi, I haven't tried it on different machines, but I think you need kde 3.4. I'll make sure it works on all dists and kopete versions later when I get the time, sorry for the inconvencience.


I got the same problem here after upgrading to 0.6. The previous one worked like a charm with kde 3.3. Could you please upload this old version (i think it was 0.4) for us who don't have the latest kde version ? Thanks


This one is really great. Now it makes chatting in kopete way pleasent. Keep up.


This is really great. However I like smaller font sizes, so I had to change the template. What about introducing some variables at the beginning, which would make it easy to change the font sizes?


No good, you're taking wrong approach. If you want smaller fonts, set the font-size in kopete (appearance -> fonts & Colors) if you change it there instead of in the style, all other graphics will adapt. (of course you're free to mod it the way you want, but it's intended to auto-adjust to font-size and font-ration, in order to be scalable)


Yes, but I want the time and the contact name in a smaller font than the message font.


mine too. i have a large screen, so font sizes are okay for me. i did change the alignment of contact photos however. some contacts have photos, others don't, which made the messages hard to follow. (some with indentations, others without.) now in my version all contact photos are aligned right, all text left aligned.


This looks very good and should be added to the default Kopete in KDE's CVS.


Thanks for the comment, I'm actually working on the last fixes before I'm going to try and make it be the default. as a default I have a very high standard though, it has to handle bidirectional text, work on all resólutions/fonts and it has to showcase and use most of the feats that's possible, and still be simple and easy to use. that is my goal, wish me luck ^-^


Good luck then ;)


you can also install it by clicking "import" from the chat-windows styles and BTW this is a v.good style , I'm using it now :-) thnx


if you import it by selecting the xsl style the 2 images for action and internal messages get lost, this is a restriction in the packaging (I don't know any way for kopete to import the data folder as well) if you want the 2 pics for actions and internal messages, make sure you copy the files as root as described in install.txt


I just downloaded it to be sure, and it contains: ./Clean.xsl ./Clean/ ./Clean/internal.png ./Clean/action.png ./install.txt in order to install the theme, (when using kde 3.4), as root type: ./install.txt


The tar file only contains two pictures, no xslt file ...


I've set this style as the default. It's nice and functional. Keep up the good work

0 Affiliates
version 1.2.0
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 0

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