But solutioning that problem I had other problems that I had to give a solution to (more or less) and here is the result.
The most visible change is that the avatar pic is on the left, not on the right like the original.
Please notice me every improvement you make with that stile and / or every error you find in my modifications. I have very little knowing about CSS and I've made it how I've can.
P.D.: My english is bad, too. Forgive me.
Ratings & Comments
Very nice I like it. Also checked out your art site very impressive, keep up the great work.
Great work! I love this theme, but it had the bug of the emoticons and it was not as preety as it can be. Thanks a lot! ¡Gran trabajo! Me encanta este tema, pero tenía el fallo de los emoticonos y no estaba tan chulo como ahora lo está Además, me gusta más dónde has puesto la foto ahora. ¡Muchas gracias!
I'm sorry about not responding to you... But I was out of this world for a long time :S. Now I'm not using Kopete, but aMSN. So I won't modify that theme (because I don't remember how to do it). If someone want to modify it is free to do whatever she/he want ^^. See you soon!
Sorry for my ignorance... but how can i install that theme? looks very nice... but its not installed as any other kopete theme... theres no .xsl file anywhere :( thanks.
Here's everything explained : http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=43243 "I just realized that kopete 0.12+ can load the message styles made for Adium. Just create a directory in $home/.kde/share/apps/kopete/styles/ and move the Contents folder in the adium theme in there."
I'm missing the seconds in the time stamp. I sometimes like to know the exact time I send something. Would be great if you added it.