Kopete -> Cygwin style
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
1.3: Add some variants
* Blue avatar
* No date display
1.2: Add some variants
* New avatar presentation
* No avatar display
1.1: Add a variant where date is not repeated for each consecutive messages
Ratings & Comments
Doesn't work well with dark system colors.
on main.css, line 30, i've set the right margin to 20px and found it more pleasant to the eye, specially on large messages or short message windows. just a suggestion.
great style, really love it. is there a way however to put the date in a popup when its not displayed under the name? for example if you hover over the message text the date this message has been sent/received is displayed? i remember some other style did that and it really helps in keeping the chat window clean. thanks!
thinking about it, i would rather have the time floated to the right with the date displayed when you hover above it (like kONE has). also, it would be great if the image would not be forced to be squared because icq seems to limit avatars to a certain aspect ratio which looks bad when resized to 48x48 (Glossyk does this e.g.)
Looks nice and it would fit my desktop. But finally: how to install it? There's no .xsl
XSL/XML themes were for Kopete
0.11. Themes for Kopete 0.12 are now in HTML/CSS and are compatible with Adium themes. May I suggest you to upgrade your Kopete version to 0.12?
oh crap, thought i had the newest version available xD Thanks for help. btw: nice work
Yes, I know but I can't find a XSL or XML...:-$
It is possible the theme bring to run with version 11 of Kopete?
Great job ! But is it possible to have the avatar's border in another colour ?
wow, you are really fast! I wrote my suggest just this morning and you have it just a few hours later!! Thanks and good job. This is a fantastic theme.
Could you make a variant style that does not show the time on every message? It makes the conversation too big. There are other styles that grabs the time only in the first message of a group or that they put the time on the left side of the message or something like that.
What skin do u use? it looks pretty kwl:)