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A clean, fast, compact and beauty theme for kopete.
Easy to extend trought variants for everybody having minimal CSS knowledge.

This release (2.0) includes:
* Copy and paste output is clean and readable. Thanks to Sébastien Laoût (Glossyk author) for suggestions about that.
* When you presses the main mouse button over the nickname, appears extended information about him (Protocol and Screen ID).
* If you choices a variant without avatars, the extended info includes the avatar.
* Link URLs are replaced with the word "link" preventing the break of the chat flow. (There is a known bug with this feature...)
* Compact layout is even more compact. Really confortable when chatting in chatrooms like in IRC.
* RTL support is more efficient. Some one can give me feedback about that?

At this time, there are six layouts and three color schemes. 18 variants.

Layout Variants
* Full: Avatars at right and a clean chat flow.
* Like Full but avatars at right.
* Like Full but with no avatars. Avatars appears in the extended window.
* Compact: Nick names aligned at left and avatrs at right.
* Compact but avatars at left.
* Compact without avatars (except when you presses the nickname).

Color schemes
* BlueGreen: The default, classic and most popular.
* Contact Colors: Every one have a random colo. Usefull for chatrooms.
* System Color: Your chat window will be integated with you desktop appareance.

Old variants like Neon, Dark, GreenRed and many others can be added if there are requests for that. If you want a variant, please, send me the CSS stylesheet and I'll include in the next release of kONE.

Enjoy it!
Last changelog:

* Copy and paste output doesn't include the URL of links.

Version 2.0 (06-09-200
* FIX: No line break in some "pasted" texts.
* FIX: Links showed as link instead of linklink.

Version 2.0 beta 2 (09-07-200
* Improved copy+paste output.
* Alignment of own nicknames (over the avatar).
* Various minor bugs.
* FIX: Double line break in _some_ jabber chats.

Version 2.0 beta 1 (23-05-200
* Beta version released as the first beta. No extra variants.
* Recoded from scratch.
* Simplified HTML parts.
* Simplified CSS code.
* Good copy+paste output.
* Extended info on click at nicknames.

Version 1.1 (16-02-2007)
* BUGFIX: A lot. :-)
* COSMETIC: Smoothed borders, removed empty spaces, and more...
* FEATURE: Mouse over on time, shows date too. Like in Efficient 2.0.
* VARIANT: Left aligned icons, as many user requests.
And more I missed to track in the changelog.

Version 1.0 (23-06-2006)
* REDESIGN: All HTML parts reimplemented.
* REDESIGN: CSS now more modular providing flexibility when you'll make variants.
* FEATURE: Mouse over on buddy icons names, show the entire name (if too big to be displayed always).
* COSMETIC: Tuned margins, spaces and borders to make kONE more consistent.
* COSMETIC: Included a lot of variants.
* BUGFIX: Line break in nicknames. Saving window space.
* BUGFIX: If you use small fonts, then kONE adapt the protocol icon to your prefs. Not if you're using medium or big fonts.

Version 0.9 (01-04-2006)
* BUGFIX: non quadratic pictures now not distorted.
* BUGFIX: Hilighted messages are now hightlighted (with limitations due poor API dessigns).
* BUGFIX: Left to right messages correctly displayed now. See the screenshot.
* COSMETIC: Soome variants added. No icons, and Blue and Green (merged). Waiting for more suggs. Send me a color pallette to use.
* Some minor tunning, improvements and redessign. Imroved performance and extensibility.

Version 0.8 (15-03-2006)
* First release.
* No known bugs.
* A lot of improvements pending.
* Varians? Suggestions?

Ratings & Comments



This theme is so fresh. Nice harmony between being compact and aesthetically slick. All the variants are a nice bonus. Great sheeeeit!


Great theme! I have been using it for at least three years now. The only thing I don't like is changing the urls to "link"... but I can live with it. Keep the good job!


see page 6


Excellent! Thanks!


Greetings. Thanks for awesome chat theme for kopete. But there is minor issue which I want to fix, but don't know how to do so. In compact mode (for example, Simple colors compact - no icons) with "Group consecutive messages" option enabled the every second message within a group got shifted to the right (see screenshot) If I click on a nickname then the user's avatar and ID appears and text alignment is ok untill I release left mouse button:


Solved by altering font size from 1em to .9em in line 41 (the style mentions ".sender .nick:active") in file ~/.kde4/share/apps/kopete/styles/kONE/Contents/Resources/Variants/SystemColors - Compact - No Icons.css looks like "1em" font-size making the div with style "nick" larger, so it shifts to the right and therefore the next line is gets shifted too. i've made a little page for testing and i noticed that opera displays it without shifting (unlike firefox4 and konqueror)


Is there a way of disabling that all links are replaced by "link". The style is really really niec and I like it but replacing all links by "link" is just stupid, unneccessary and unsafe.


Is not stupid, there is a reason for that; if a very very long link is sended/receibed, does not break properly and makes all the layout unconsistent. The word "link" replacement is just a workaround. No unsafe; you still be able to know where points the link by placing the mouse over the link, then a tooltip appears with the full URL. Anyway, you can disable this funcionallity by commenting a simple line in the .CSS of the theme. Edit this file: ~/.kde4/share/apps/kopete/styles/kONE/Contents/Resources/main.css And comment (or delete) the line 65. This line contents the statement: "content: 'link'". Enjoy!


This is the best theme I've used in terms of the best compromise between looks and minimal use of screen space. Pushpin looks great but you can't view much vertically. I like this theme because you can have the contact "icons"/pics (left or right) while squeezing in tons of text vertically. voted up


Hi there, I like this theme with the No-variant style but apparently, when no-variant is selected there is a big pinky banner on the chat screen. How can I get the same style without the banner? That is blue-green, full with icons to the right. lemme know if I'm missing something, thanks


Blue Green - Full is the default variant with no banner.


For my purposes -- having a tiny always-open chatbox on my desktop -- some of the variants in this theme are the nicest. The only problem I ran into came after trying to send a URL... First my text was stuck boldface/underline, then once I fixed that, every message I sent showed up on my end as "link" (but was showing normally to the other user) until I closed/reopened the window, and the next time I tried it, everything came through as a big blacked-out box on both ends. Turning off rich text entirely fixed the problem, thankfully.


What is up with the BIG text box in the WAY!!?? Need more hate mail. Too bad - can't use it this way.


one of the best i've seen so far on any messenger i used - name it pidgin, emesene, (i don't like amsn), kopete and others i can't remember now, good job and of course voted good.


Sorry if this has been mentioned before. But is there any chance that we can get a version of kOne that supports the 12 hour clock instead of 24?


I figured out how to change this as it is a very simple change. But maybe this could be a feature? I doubt I am the only one looking for that, but maybe I am...


I'm using %time{%x}% That is, -print the date according the system preferences-. I suggest you to check how you have configured the time preferences on your KDE. BTW: changing this line and use another hard coded format is enought too.


Hmm that's weird. In Country/Region & Language I've set the Time format to pH:MM:SS AMPM which shows everything in the 12 hour format for my other applications. For kOne %time{%x}% shows a 24 hour clock while just %time% shows the 12 hour one that I'm looking for. Maybe my settings are messed up.


Ok, I'll investigate to get deepest knowledge on how it works the time functions. Thanks for reporting ;-)


I really like this style overall. It's very clean, well laid-out and generally blends well with whatever my desktop settings might be. It's also (mostly) copy-paste friendly, which is a huge plus. (I really hate having to reformat my chat logs when copying them.) But I have one minor nit, and one major gripe. The minor nit: Links are displayed using a different font size, which breaks the flow of text. It's visually jarring. The major gripe: Quote:

Link URLs are replaced with the word "link" preventing the break of the chat flow. (There is a known bug with this feature...)
IMO this is a really bad idea -- you should never obscure URLs coming from potentially random people; how do you know if you want to click on it or not? It also replaces ALL link text with the word "link"... even things that Kopete mis-detects as links (e.g. "ssh"), or links sent with a specific text (e.g. "Check out my <a href='...'>YouTube video</a>."), when that is clearly not what the sender intended. It also messes up copy/paste (e.g. if you want to forward the link on to someone else, paste the ssh command into your terminal, etc.). Yes, it makes things tidier. But anyone who uses a chat client is likely to understand what a URL is, and what it means, and the tidiness brings with it some serious usability issues. Please reconsider this feature, and thanks again for making this style.


I see a few other people have commented on the "link" issue, so for the technically-inclined, here's how to remove that feature:

  • Install kONE in Kopete
  • Open the ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete/styles directory
  • The kONE style is in (predictably) "kONE".
  • Edit Contents/Resources/main.css
  • Search for the word "link"
  • In the ".message a" section, delete the "content: 'link;'" entry.
  • Save the file and restart Kopete
  • kanutron

    Ok. Due the popularity of the demand... I'll remove this "feature". Additionally I've planned to improve the Copy&paste behaviour so, I'll work on kONE as soon as I've some time to spend on (hope this weekend). Thanks for the feedback! BTW: Has anybody any idea to visually handle very very long URLs without the "link" hack?


    Oh! > Links are displayed using a different font size Yes, was intentionally but now this style will be implicitly removed too. ;-)


    Using Kopete 0.70.0 (KDE 4.2.0) I stumbled upon this bug: wherever a long nickname is shown it wraps the text, but it's positioned so you can still see the topmost three (or so) pixels of the lower line. The same is true for the topmost pixels of the date under the nickname in the sidebar.



    Link URLs are replaced with the word "link" preventing the break of the chat flow. (There is a known bug with this feature...
    How can I disable this feature? It also breaks copy&paste, links are not included anymore.

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