Description: A nice little black theme I made, based on Plastik.... but gone dark.
To install: 1) Download the file 2) Go into kcontrol (control center), to Appearance & Themes --> Colors. 3) Click "Import Colour scheme", select the downloaded file 4) Select 'Dark Plastik' in the list
OR from commandline, $ wget $ mv 49758-Dark Plastik.kcsrc ~/.kde/share/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes
Now follow steps 2-4 above.
Make sure you restart KDE after you install this theme! If you don't, then the colour screw up until you next start KDE.
Hope you guys like it =)Last changelog:
09-Dec-06: Changed Inactive title bar colours from blueish Plastik to Black, Blue writing Updated Description with guide and note to restart KDE
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