Hmm, not much to add here, except a list of what's visible in the screenshot:
- my KWin global drop shadows patch (

- Icon set is Nuvola (

- Window decoration is Glow (
- translucent Kicker from KDE CVS
- General font is Trebuchet Ms
- Titlebar font is Dolphin
- Clock font is Still Time
- Desktop font is Lucida Grande
- GKrellM skin is the "invisible" theme with slight modifications
- XMMS skin is Winamp 2's "Ti H2O 6 Equilibrium"
Ratings & Comments
i can't get enough of it. if i weren't so manly, i'd use it as my desktop. but i've done the next best thing. i made a desktop for my wife so she can enjoy it. sorry, but i stole almost every element from you ;) perhaps you could create a theme for me ;) keep up the good work, ryan
for those who dont want to download a near 1mb image file: i made a png but it was almost a MB! the jpg is far lesser in quality but you get the idea ;)
Look here:
Where can I find the Desktop Icon Drop Shadow Patch.. I didnt see it here.. Thanks Screenshot Looks great