1.) Start a konsole with the command (e.g. to watch the /var/log/messages file)
kstart --skiptaskbar --skippager --keepbelow --alldesktops konsole --nomenubar --notabbar --noscrollbar --noframe -e sudo tail -f /var/log/messages
Note that this examples requires sudo to be set up properly.
2.) Move the window to where it should appear.
3.) From the context menu of the titlebar select "Advanced -> No Border" (and I also have checked "Advanced -> Keep Below Others).
4.) From the KMenu select "Save Session". If "Save Session" is not available here, first open the control center and go to "KDE Components -> Session Manager" and select "On Login -> Restore manually saved session."
Next time you login the konsole should appear as you've left it before.
NOTE: This requires KDE 3.2.x
Ratings & Comments
how did you get the syslog to display in the background?
1.) Start a konsole with the command (e.g. to watch the /var/log/messages file) kstart --skiptaskbar --skippager --keepbelow --alldesktops konsole --nomenubar --notabbar --noscrollbar --noframe -e sudo tail -f /var/log/messages Note that this examples requires sudo to be set up properly. 2.) Move the window to where it should appear. 3.) From the context menu of the titlebar select "Advanced -> No Border" (and I also have checked "Advanced -> Keep Below Others). 4.) From the KMenu select "Save Session". If "Save Session" is not available here, first open the control center and go to "KDE Components -> Session Manager" and select "On Login -> Restore manually saved session." Next time you login the konsole should appear as you've left it before. NOTE: This requires KDE 3.2.x
cool, thnx.
I really like your color scheme, keep up your good work!