Description: I wanted to create a color scheme that would be easy on the eyes, not too light, or too dark. Colors are mostly cream pastel. Win deco in the screenshot is Knifty. Kicker is a copy of Knifty gradient.
Hi, I really like your Color Scheme and voted for it but I have a question. How do I create a Color Scheme? I try to do it in Kcontrol but when I save the Color scheme, even if it is memorized in Kcontrol, I can't find it aniway in a real folder. So I cannot really export it.... what can I do? How did you export yours?
Incredible! I found it! But why if I use the search tool this result didn't came out? I don't understand it. Maybe search doesn't lookfor hidden files? DO you know a way to tell the search tool to look for hidden files too?
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Hi, I really like your Color Scheme and voted for it but I have a question. How do I create a Color Scheme? I try to do it in Kcontrol but when I save the Color scheme, even if it is memorized in Kcontrol, I can't find it aniway in a real folder. So I cannot really export it.... what can I do? How did you export yours?
Your custom themes are located in you /home directory in: /home/USER/.kde/share/apps/kdisplay/color-schemes (substitute USER with your username)
Incredible! I found it! But why if I use the search tool this result didn't came out? I don't understand it. Maybe search doesn't lookfor hidden files? DO you know a way to tell the search tool to look for hidden files too?
How did you search? I use Konsole. For example (search string to find all color scheme files): find ~/.kde -iname "*.kcsrc"
honestly I use the search applet in the gnome panel. I can't figure out why this result didn't come out....