Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
K-skin is a k-jofel skin in the shape of the kdelogo!!
The zip-file contains 3 versions of k-skin.
1) K-SKIN0.1: A very flat k-shaped skin
2) K-SKIN0.2: A skin with aqua-looks
3) K-SKIN0.4: the same as K-SKIN0.2 but i added a volume button and a pause button.
How To Install:
1) Start noatun (kde media player)
2) Go to settings
3) Activate k-jofol skins
4) Go to k-jofol skin settings
5) Install the skin.
6) When k-skin is installed: you can choose the skin you want: K-SKIN0.1(flat); K-SKIN0.2; K-SKIN0.4(most resent)
I made it with the gimp.
enjoy it!!!!!
*i did some improvements on the volume button. It is now easyer to change the volume
*i removed the little white edge of K-SKIN0.2
*i made the play buttons of K-SKIN-0.1 and K-SKIN0.2 be a pause button and a play button in one.
*i made a new screenshot. With the 3 versions that the zip-file contains on it.
*i removed a little purple spot on the K of K-SKIN-0.4
*i changed the colour of K-SKIN-0.1 a little bit
*i removed some little faults of K-SKIN-0.1
*i made a zip file with 3 versions of k-skin in it.
*i made a volume button
*i made a pause button
*i used a nicer K for the skin.
*i made the buttons look nicer.
Ratings & Comments
someone said it and i repeat: change the color to some smooht or stylish like #E0F0FF or #C2CCD6... your choice! also i need a playlist and thats the main reason i dont use it!
I think that volume dial looks ugly. I have a media kb for that. :-) I really enjoy your theme.
If you find the volume button of K-skin 0.4 ugly: just use k-skin 0.2; It is the same skin but without the volume button. Just install the skin and choose K-SKIN0.2 in the noatun/k-jofol setup window.
Thanks for the volume and the pause buttons... Though the play and pause buttons could be combined into one.
"Though the play and pause buttons could be combined into one" I had already noticed that, and i've used that function in K-SKIN0.1 and K-SKIN0.2. But the icons of K-SKIN0.1an 0.2 are not yet adapted. I also did not yet used that funcion in K-SKIN0.4 because i already had made a separare pause button. (maybe i will do it in the next version....)
These skins for boring already K-Jofol, Which it is big wait for conversions skin, for example, MMD from winamp3...
---and yes, the pause button's missing, too!
Really cool theme, a volume controller bar needed somewhere!
Wow, this is a really cool idea! Great stuff, I just installed it! I'm just missing one thing I use often, a button to toggle the playlist order. That is, I often like it random. That would make it just perfect!
I would love to add a toggle button on the skin, but i don't know how you have to do this in k-jofol. 1) I have read a tutorial but i haven't found a thing about a toggle button.... 2) I have took a look at other skins but none of them uses the toggle button (so i can't just copy the code) I am starting to think that this isn't possible with k-jofol. When anybody knows how to do this (or if you find a k-jofol skin with a toggle button for the playlist!): telle me!! (thanks) As soon as i know how to do it: i will add it to the skin....
This skin is pretty good, but kind of rough on the edges. I know those edges can be a pain in k-jofol. Its so cool that we had two k-jofols on the front page at once. Keep up the good work!
nice work.. anyway.. where can i get the background you have on the screenshot .. the sun or lavaplanet or what it should be ;-) ? thx dominik
i have put the sun-backgrounds on my site. "http://www.linuxman.d2g.com/backgrounds/"
Rather than using a flat texture for the K, try using the Crystal K. Maybe even combine the keramik theme with it. Just my suggestion.
but I fully agree, the K should look much softer and more stylish...
Hmm, I don't like the look of this skin that much, but it's nice to see that someone created a new skin for noatun. The idea with the K is nice, but the colors... Maybe more stylish? Or at least somehow soft?
OK, i will work on it. - It is just version 0.1 :-) - When you have other comments: send me an email or add a comment on KDE-LOOK.