I use windows like I woul have used simple objects...
Feel free to ask me wathever you want, I'm here for that

ps: to see the screenshots dont clik on the images at left, but on the download links...
i've explained everything about theses screen shots at this url :
Give me feedback in the url's thread

Ratings & Comments
I'm thinkin this ain't a GNOME desktop but rather a Metisse desktop (and Xwnc) running GNOME applications. I reckon I'm right? Proof of analysis via your "off" dimensions in your screenshot.
It's a gnome desktop using metisse as window manager...
Hey it would be nice if you were just blunt like saying Metisse and Xwnc when people ask instead of being discreet you should share. Also be a sport and advise others of not wasting their time unless they have a "decent" graphics card that can support the opengl 3d accel etc. For thoose who want to check it out metisse can be found at the link below. Be warned that it's totally experimental. http://insitu.lri.fr/~chapuis/metisse/ And since were on the subject here is mine with "only" fvwm, running stuff like gnome panel in metisse adds more bloat IMO. http://img60.exs.cx/img60/1001/3d1.jpg
Look the link I've given... In this post I've shared everything ! I've also made a tutorial ! So, please don't say something without thinking...
What's that man!!?? Is something about Looking Glass Project? I want to know, please ;) Illuminate us!
i've explained everything about theses screen shots at this url : http://www.fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=22448&page=1&pp=15 Give me feedback in the url's thread ;)