My modified lucid theme
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
How did you get those menus transparant? =]
In compiz state plugin I'm using following Opacity settings: Unknown: 90 Menu: 90
Great job, very nice desktop :) Can you list the used theme (GTK, Metacity/Compiz, Icons) Thanks.
GTK : (I've tweaked the panel) Compiz: Based on a compiz theme from (I cann't exactly remember), But I'll post it here. Icon: and Wallpaper: Kiba dock:
if this filemanager is nautilus, why are there no reload and stop buttons? did you change the sourche code or is it not nautilus?
It's nautilus. :-) You can get all the configuration files (xml) on /usr/share/nautilus/ui and I removed the other buttons.
thanks :D
How did You managed to get round corners up on compiz without left/right borders on the window frame? (I can see that there are no borders on left and right, right?) Which engine are you using and which theme? is this cgwd theme?
It's true-glass engine. I'll post the theme here