Gnome 3 beauty
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...colors used in this theme, icons and gtkrc !! could it be possible to you to upload the GTK 2.x (or the color theme) and the script Tell me if i made a mistake: Metacity : sun Engine : New Murrine (git) Icons : Humanity
Thank you :-) Yes, I used the following elements in my theme: Metacity: Ubuntu Sun Icons: Humanities Murrine theme: Salmon This is my index.theme: [Desktop Entry] Name=Gentoo Fields Type=X-GNOME-Metatheme Comment= [X-GNOME-Metatheme] GtkTheme=Salmon MetacityTheme=UbuntuDay IconTheme=Humanities_Fields GtkColorScheme=fg_color:#323232323232,bg_color:#dc28dc28c9e5,text_color:#323232323232,base_color:#ffffffffffff,selected_fg_color:#ffffffffffff,selected_bg_color:#9595b7b7a7a7,tooltip_fg_color:#373736363333,tooltip_bg_color:#e7e7eeeecfcf CursorTheme=Vanilla-DMZ CursorSize=24 NotificationTheme=standard BackgroundImage=Wheathump-1680x1050.jpg For the icons, I used this scheme: [Humanities_Fields] MagIcons_Version: 0.1 color_4: 82603e color_3: b58657 color_2: b58657 color_1: eddc8c Will possibly upload this, if I find some more time. My claws icons script is an uber-ugly hack... I'll try to refine it, but this could also take some time... sorry