Description: I love the KDE4 artwork, but I hate its feel, so I tuned my Gnome desk a little bit.
This is 100% pure Gnome. All realized thanks to many creative artists. I took the newest Gnomenu version with Oxygen theme, Screenlets with FolderView plugin and some Oxygen themes I found here at Gnomelook.Last changelog:
I would genuinely not believed that to be gnome if you hadn't told me. Very KDEesk. I assume thats a gnomenu theme youve made to look like the KDE one?
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I would genuinely not believed that to be gnome if you hadn't told me. Very KDEesk. I assume thats a gnomenu theme youve made to look like the KDE one?
thank you. The Gnomenu theme is not my work, it was included in the last version.
How named clock applet used on screen?
It's called Karamba Screenlet, the theme used is ModernClock.
PS: what does "Часики" mean? My Russian is not the best...
it means clock very kewl kdeish gnome shot das heißt uhr ;) schöner shot
Thanks / danke :)