Description: New version 2.0 (in python) deps: pykde pyQt
This version reads only epub files,no lit.To start it:
python filename.epub
(photo 2, sorry if it's poor) ---------------------------- version 1.1 Dependancies: -kdialog -konqueror -unzip (for .epub files) -convertlit (for .lit files, please read legal notes of convertlit) -additionally you need to have mounted a tempfs file system in /dev/shm (don't be scared, you already have, check mount...)
1.1 - version 1.0 had a regression with the epub format, bugfixed in 1.1
1.0 - now it's much less hackish and opens the lit or epubs exactly as the openberg plugin for firefox: checking idents in the spine. Enjoy!
0.6 - fixed an error with single-xml files
I was a bit sick of waiting adobe digital edition on linux, and the openberg project works only in firefox which is slower than KDE here, so I wroted down this little ,(no more hackish from v 1.0!) script to open both .epub (IDPF Open ebook spec) and even .lit (through convertlit, as openberg) in konqueror.
It opens ONLY html or xml based ones, you can`t view the pdf alternative through this script.
( Hopefully someone will find the time in the future for a kio_slave or at least for .opf support in konqueror... by that time I`ll remove this hackish script )
USAGE: koobe namefile
IDPF specs at Some samples at Licensed as GPL2
To convert the FREE (remember, fair
use) .lit ebooks you downloaded from the web into .epub format
(it's a 1:1 conversion, no data will be lost) you can visit my site at:
Delit python script to convert from lit to epub ... it uses convertlit,
depends on:
Beautiful Soup.
And needs htmlTidy
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1 Comment
To convert the FREE (remember, fair use) .lit ebooks you downloaded from the web into .epub format (it's a 1:1 conversion, no data will be lost) you can visit my site at: Delit python script to convert from lit to epub ... it uses convertlit, depends on: Python Beautiful Soup. And needs htmlTidy