Taskjuggler Debian Etch deb
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* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
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Got error while compilation under ArchLinux: /usr/lib/libkio.so.5: could not read symbols: This error fixed by this patch: --- src/voondo-akonadi_redmine_resource-9df8fb3/CMakeLists.txt 2011-10-05 01:20:55.000000000 +0400 +++ CMakeLists.txt 2013-01-10 14:13:32.989868582 +0400 @@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ include_directories( ${KDE4_INCLUDES} ${KDEPIMLIBS_INCLUDE_DIRS} + ${KDE4_INCLUDES} ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${KDE4_ENABLE_EXCEPTIONS}" ) @@ -60,6 +61,6 @@ kde4_add_executable(akonadi_redmine_resource RUN_UNINSTALLED ${redmineresource_SRCS}) -target_link_libraries(akonadi_redmine_resource kcalcore ${KDE4_AKONADI_LIBS} ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTDBUS_LIBRARY} ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS}) +target_link_libraries(akonadi_redmine_resource kcalcore ${KDE4_AKONADI_LIBS} ${QT_QTCORE_LIBRARY} ${QT_QTDBUS_LIBRARY} ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${KDE4_KIO_LIBS}) install(TARGETS akonadi_redmine_resource ${INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS}) May be author would include this fix? If so, please notify me.
Sorry, I don't have time now but feel free to fork the project : https://github.com/voondo/akonadi_redmine_resource
Is it planned to make it rw, not read-only?
Now that's seriously cool stuff. Thanks for working on it! Checked out the code, AFAIR Redmine supports subtasks, any chance to get the resource do anything meaningful with it? Like using the RelatedTo field on tasks?
Indeed, there is a lot of room for improvements and such of features are definitely planned
Nice to hear it's planned. BTW, you might want to get closer to the KDE infrastructure I guess. Like maybe asking for a git repo there at some point etc. It'd give more visibility to your work to some the KDE developers I think. And since projects.kde.org uses Redmine (although the ticket system is not activated) that is even more likely to get a positive echo. You'd also benefit for support for formal releases, translations and so on.