ADDRESS LIST print web.de dict one slide
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Users of web.de can print up to 85 addresses on one sheet of paper!
If you use the printing function of web.de, you get a lot of pages to print but never all informations stored before. It is much more convenient to have all informations on one sheet of paper!
How to install:
1 download adl.tar.bz2
2 unpack adl.tar.bz2 to a directory adl
3 cd (place of the directory of adl)
4 ./configure
5 make
6 make install (as root)
How to use:
Take a look at the screenshots!
1. Search in-/export of adresses
2. press export
3. choose "open" (only first time)
4. choose "open with" (only first time)
5. open with "adl", mark every time
6 print page 3-4
How to uninstall
1 make uninstall (as root)
Have a lot of fun!
Version 0.3
* i18n (translations now possible, if you like to translate, please mail!)
* Lines filled with dots now => easier to find entries which belong together
* mapping of text/x-csv to Address List => open Adress List with right click is possible
* you can change in code if you prefere text alignment center (default) or left
Much better (V 0.2):
* code cleanup
* again: improved Handbook - read it!!!
Version 0.2
* print Button
Much better (V 0.2):
* Dialogs
* Screenshots
* Handbook - read it!!!
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