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DoBeeDo is a todo list manager for KDE that tries to be easy and fast to use.

* Tasks grouped by due date
* Categorize your tasks and show tasks from only one category
* Different priority levels with different background and font colors
* save additional text for tasks
* tray icon that shows if you have tasks to do
* select when done tasks are deleted (default is after closing the application)

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` ../
make install

Note: you need to have KDE 4.4 or newer installed

For Debian Testing users, there is an apt repository by Slavko:

For Arch Linux users, there is a PKGBUILD in AUR:
Last changelog:

Version 0.1.0
* Initial Release

Version 0.2.0
* Decide the category of a task while creating it
* DoBeeDo checks now for a new day
* Don't quit when you close the window but hide to system tray (thanks to emyller)
* translation support + German translation
* Fixed a bug that mixed up the categories of the tasks
* fixing some other bugs

Version 0.2.1
* Slovak translations (thanks to Slavko!)
* making the life of translators and packagers a bit easier

Version 0.3.0
* checkboxes :-)
* select when to delete done tasks (immediately/when quitting/never)
* start DoBeeDo in system tray
* change the font color depending on the priority

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Hopefully not!?


No, it doesn't, and if I add support for it in the future, it would be optional.


Thanks. Brilliant.


Hi, nice idea for the app, but I allways get the following crash backtrace during shutdown: I checked the code, but got no idea where this crash is caused. Oh, i used git master (0.3.0). Quote:

Application: DoBeeDo (dobeedo), signal: Segmentation fault [KCrash Handler] #6 0x00007f89393af311 in KStatusNotifierItem::~KStatusNotifierItem (this=0xf1a290, __in_chrg=<value optimized out>) at /tmp/portage/kde-base/kdelibs-4.5.4/work/kdelibs-4.5.4/kdeui/notifications/kstatusnotifieritem.cpp:126 #7 0x0000000000414692 in SysTray::~SysTray (this=0xf1a290, __in_chrg=<value optimized out>) at /wine/repo/DoBeeDo/systray.cpp:34 #8 0x000000000040fde3 in DoApp::~DoApp (this=0x7fffca912210, __in_chrg=<value optimized out>) at /wine/repo/DoBeeDo/doapp.cpp:45 #9 0x000000000040f9ee in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffca912418) at /wine/repo/DoBeeDo/main.cpp:44


Which KDE version do you use?


Argh, just saw that you are using KDE 4.5.4. Could you try to create a new crash report after you recompiled dobeedo with "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull" added to the cmake command, please?


This was a crashreport from a debugfull build. Dunno why there are <value optimized out> though.


Hmm... I can't reproduce that crash (also using KDE 4.5.4 on ArchLinux) and I don't have any ideas what could cause the crash. The backtrace points to KDE code, so maybe this is a bug in KDE (but these backtraces are really misleading sometimes). I'm really sorry I can't help you. Is there maybe anything special (configs, compile options) in your KDE/DoBeeDo installation?


And what about switching from KDE dependency and create it as pure Qt, to make it usable for others, without KDE installed?


I don't think I will switch from KDE to Qt, because it really looks better in KDE if you use the KDE libs and I have also used some kde-only features (for example if you edit a todo item, the date chooser is kde only). Of course, I could make 2 applications, one with kde and the other one qt-only, but that would take time and I would prefer to put that time into new features. Anyway, if someone else would like to do that, it should not be too hard (I'm using github for version control, see link above).


Maybe something for the roadmap could be remote sync. I see a lot of potential for this . . . maybe I can finally ditch my last windows apps - mylifeorganized - haven't found an open source replacement yet.


I'm not sure what you mean exactly. Remote Sync with what/how? I could use some third-party service like Remember The Milk (this is btw. something I have on my feature wish list), but I can't create an own service as I don't have the server or the knowledge to do so. Hope you enjoy version 0.3.0 anyway, even though there are no sync features :-) Felix


Downloading v 0.3 at the moment, thanks! With MyLifeOrganized, I can sync to a file anywhere. For example, I keep a file on my webserver, so I can keep my work, and home pc's in sync with each other. Being able to use RTM would be awesome.


It is great work! IMO only option to start without main window (by autorstat) is missing... It may be configuration option or command line option, or both :-)


I've done this in git (as a config option), so it will be in the next release.


nice to know, i will to wait to next release ;-)


I like the directness of this application, very nice. A couple notes / feature requests: I would love to see check boxes next to the tasks, this would allow one to keep a record of completed tasks. Removing tasks when complete does not allow me to look back and see if and when I did something. Allow configuration of font colors along with the background colors (priorities) Last, the "Done" button in the bottom right corner is confusing, I expected it to close the window, instead it removed the task. Perhaps "Task Complete" or "Remove Task" or "Remove" might be more appropriate. Of course the button won't even be needed if check boxes are added :-)


First: Thanks for the feedback! The thing with the font colors should be easy, so you can expect that in the next release. I also will rethink the thing with the done button. I also want to add checkboxes for the tasks, but I'm not yet sure how to make it. It's nice to see what you have already done, but tasks that are done should not stay there forever, and I don't want to force the user to first check the task and then remove it manually. One possibility would be to remove checked tasks after a while (maybe at the end of the session). Or I could add a counter which shows how many tasks you already have done today, just for motivating reasons :-) If you have any other ideas, I would like to hear them. Felix


Hello; I liked this project and would like to contribute to it with code/ideas. Is there any git repository? If not, please create put it on gitorious :)


I'm happy you like it and I would welcome code and ideas from you. I have a git repo at, but you could also use the "Version Control" link above ;-)


Oh, really didn't see that link. Okay! :)


Hello, Thank you for your work! Have you considered using Akonadi as a backend?


Hi, not yet, but that may be a good idea for a future release (I just don't know how to integrate Akonadi, but that should be doable). Thanks for your idea! Felix

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version 0.3.0
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