FALF Player
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
- multiplaylist support
- lyrics support
- m3u support
- last.fm support
- HTTP streams support (radio)
- built-in tags' editor
- built-in equalizer
- easy transfer of tracks to removable device
- customizable accelerators
- high stability
- low memory consumption
- xine-lib http://www.xine-project.org
- taglib http://developer.kde.org/~wheeler/taglib.html
- qt http://www.trolltech.com/
- kde http://kde.org
Most recent source code available via svn:
svn co https://falf.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/falf falf-svn
When migrating from 1.2 or earlier version there is need to load metadata for already added tracks. This can be done from main menu:
Settings->Reload metadata...
Post Your suggestion, bug's report and inquiry only on official sf.net forum. Everything posted here will remain unanswered.
1.3 -> 1.4dev
* Japanese translation added
* volume control changes
* global and local shortcuts
* autolyrics.com replaced with combination of lyricsvip.com & elyrics.net
* lock file wasn't created at first run (now fixed)
1.2 -> 1.3
* fixed broken loop mode (repeat track)
* much faster restoring playlists
* disabled buttons look smarter
* follow selected track mode against empty playlist bug fixed
* rewritten popup menu (tray)
* annoying time slider issues fixed
* playback is restored properly after quit on first track's frame
* send on playlist used to remove track(s) even when send was aborted (now fixed)
* "Add playlist..." item added to copy/send/append menus
1.1 -> 1.2
* fixed broken increasing volume at startup
* fixed problem with changing equalizer profile's name
* GCC 4.3.0 compatibility
* last.fm playback percent complete can be set in range from 50 to 100%
* customizable accelerators
* more accelerators added ('copy on playlist', 'send on playlist', 'append to playlist' and more)
1.0 -> 1.1
* fixed problem with switching focus (Tags' editor wnd)
* simple copy/send with destination playlist mechanism
* faster sorting algorithm - quick sort
* adding playlist with double click on main window free space or status bar
* faster tracks handling - works smoothly with more than 4000 tracks on single playlist
* nasty timer issue fixed
* search also in album and artist
Ratings & Comments
Are you willing to port this to qt4? Cheers!
still cpu hungry than juk (juk only 6% in my old pentium3 compaq desktop) can u make it less cpu usage? i like if my music player doesnt eat my memory.
I really like the feature of tabbed playlists. And some advices: put all controls in toolbars. Also some controls are too small for localized strings gentoo ebuild is available as a part of non7top overlay http://non7top.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/overlay/
i left non7top overlay in favour of arcon overlay. so gentoo users can just install arcon overlay via layman (layman -a arcon) and get an updated ebuild
"http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=43961&vote=good" hm, not very clever... :(
"http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/show.php?content=43961&vote=good" hm, not very clever... :(
How about some dcop functions? Play/pause, stop, next, prev would be useful and maybe some nowplaying.
No. I won't use dcop because it eats additional memory.
Hi there. It would be great to have a shuffle feature in FALF. Also possibility to resize/maximize window would be good. Btw, I've made a gentoo ebuild (live SVN), it's in my overlay...
amdfanatyk, please do something with packages for openSUSE. It is terrible to wait so long... :(
It isn't up to me.
Now SUSE and openSUSE are both supported. Special thanks goes to Detlef Reichelt.
How do I listen to Last.fm after I have entered my login and password?
When You enter login, password and enable last.fm support, information about everything You listen to is automatically sent to last.fm server. Listen to last.fm? What do You mean?
I want a client to listen to Last.fm music. Amarok for instance supports this (but I can't get it working), also there is an official Last.fm client at http://www.last.fm/download/. It would be nice to use FALF instead to listen to Last.fm tags. You understand?
last.fm radio?
yes, that's radio i guess. I also tried to use the last.fm client but unfortunately that doesn't work properly. It would be nice if u can get this support incorporated in FALF player as well. Thanks!
And what about openSUSE rpm's?
suse support is still broken; person in charge changed e-mail and I lost contact
Hi man! :D Please upgrade the Slackware package link! ;) http://www.slacky.eu/repository/slackware-11.0/multimedia/falf/1.0rc4/
Please prepare also 1.0rc5dev package, 1.0rc4 is rather outdated.
Ok but the source? From SVN?