Description: Bluemote is a tool to "use your bluetooth enabled T610 (or compatible Sony Ericsson phones) as a remote for your Linux PC".(
I have created a configuration file to use bluemote to control Amarok (1.2-beta4+)
Features: * Start/Stop Amarok * Next/Previous * Increase/Decrease volume * Show NowPlaying info
Additional Features: * Move mouse cursor (1,2,3 for left/middle/right mouse button) (very nice feature for OpenOffice presentations!) * Execute commands (You can adjust the PIN (1234) in bluemote-amarok-[en|de].cfg) * Lock screen
* Copy bluemote-amarok-en.cfg (english) or bluemote-amarok-de.cfg (german) to ~/.bluemote/ and link it to bluemote.cfg: cd ~./bluemote/ ln -s bluemote-amarok-en.cfg bluemote.cfg
***For each session*****
* Open connection to your phone: rfcomm bind 0 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (use "hcitool -scan" to get the actual address of your phone)
the tool is very useful but I would call it awesome when there would be a posibility to get the playlist displayed on the cell phone display as well.
so far Denis
I remember there was a program like this for winamp on windows, which allowed you to see everything in the current playlist (ie loads and loads of tracknames) which was a really good feature.
Is there any chance this functionality could be added?
You should be aware that by default the Exec & and Exec commands are available which allow any user to execute abitrary commands given the passwort 1234.
Btw: the german .cfg isn't completly in german. But it shouldn't be to difficult to change that.
You are right.
But at first the bluetooth mobile phone has to be paired with your bluetooth adapter.
For this step the owner of the bluetooth mobile phone has to know the PIN (/etc/bluetooth/pin).
Then the owner of the computer has to initiate a connection to a particular mobile phone.
So this schould not be be a security bug. You probably could completely remove the pin.
> So this schould not be be a security bug. You probably could completely remove the pin.
I was told that there exist buggy pairing implementations. Also 4 digits are a quite week password protection.
Anyway: Had great fun today demonstrating the remote function to the neighbours.
This can actually be used to enable control over other media players with [url=]ReMoot[/url]. That is possible if you install ReMoot and replace the DCOP calls in the Blumote .cfg files with ReMoot commands. For example "-dcop amarok player playPause" can be replaced with "remoot playpause" and then bluemote works with all the apps supported by ReMoot.
Very nice! :-)
This sounds a bit like iTunes salling clicker. It's a nice concept. I wish I had a bluetooth module/phone to test it out on.
Sounds pretty nifty though.
Ratings & Comments
Would it be possible to port the XMMS plugin to Amarok as a script?
Nice concept! Any 4 Nokia Symbian? Link here! THanks all
the tool is very useful but I would call it awesome when there would be a posibility to get the playlist displayed on the cell phone display as well. so far Denis
I remember there was a program like this for winamp on windows, which allowed you to see everything in the current playlist (ie loads and loads of tracknames) which was a really good feature. Is there any chance this functionality could be added?
It seams that Bluemote 2.0 does not support those features. But I have seen a XMMS plugin which has a qute nice GUI:
You should be aware that by default the Exec & and Exec commands are available which allow any user to execute abitrary commands given the passwort 1234.
Btw: the german .cfg isn't completly in german. But it shouldn't be to difficult to change that.
You are right. But at first the bluetooth mobile phone has to be paired with your bluetooth adapter. For this step the owner of the bluetooth mobile phone has to know the PIN (/etc/bluetooth/pin). Then the owner of the computer has to initiate a connection to a particular mobile phone. So this schould not be be a security bug. You probably could completely remove the pin.
> So this schould not be be a security bug. You probably could completely remove the pin.
I was told that there exist buggy pairing implementations. Also 4 digits are a quite week password protection.
Anyway: Had great fun today demonstrating the remote function to the neighbours.
This can actually be used to enable control over other media players with [url=]ReMoot[/url]. That is possible if you install ReMoot and replace the DCOP calls in the Blumote .cfg files with ReMoot commands. For example "-dcop amarok player playPause" can be replaced with "remoot playpause" and then bluemote works with all the apps supported by ReMoot. Very nice! :-)
i love you!
This sounds a bit like iTunes salling clicker. It's a nice concept. I wish I had a bluetooth module/phone to test it out on. Sounds pretty nifty though.