Amarok Full Screen


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UPDATE: as more people get involved into this project, it needs some organisation and version management. A sourceforge project should be opened soon.

This is a full screen front end for Amarok. The look can be changed by custom THEMES.

to build from source, you need Qt3 development files (IT WILL NOT WORK WITH QT4!!), kde development files (dcopclient.h) and the g++ compiler. Just run "make" to compile the program. If it doesn't work, try running "qmake" (or "qmake-qt3") first and then "make".
For installation run "make install" (requires root priviliges)
To run the program just run "amarokFS". An entry in the start-menu should also be created (may depend on distro, tested on ubuntu).

You can find openSuse 10.2 rpm-packages on
(many thanks to Buschmann)

First theme:

This amarok-script can also be useful:
Last changelog:

many fixes and updates by Martin Kossler - thanks a lot!
better progessbar
new element - labelPixmap
new element - nextPlaying
context menu instead of settings button
mouse hiding
added amarok script

Ratings & Comments



I would also like to a vote for getting some 64-bit debian files for Ubuntu. I have never had luck compiling programs (got about 20 errors on this one alone) and would love to be able to use the program.


if its actual i would hope for a 64-bit package for ubuntu, too.


Hmm, I wouldn't count on it. As the author said, it only works with qt3. Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) no longer has amarok1.x, only amarok2 (which uses qt4). So unless the author does some serious changes, his app is going to become obsolete very quickly.


I would like to know when I received an email or not + pidgin message. Could it be implemented so that we havent to check it? Just amarokFS could do the job : music and email/msg view (mb skype?) Thx Best regards


Here is ver 0.5 .deb file for ubuntu


Can someone add the ability to slide the track and also have a volume thing? Would be really good for my touchscreen


hi i've compiled amarokFS (0.5), and it's running, but i can only use the CoverFlow theme if i run any other theme (isimplydark, ipodblack,..) it allways crashes a few seconds after launching here you can see a stack trace of the error: Using host libthread_db library "/lib/". `system-supplied DSO at 0xffffe000' has disappeared; keeping its symbols. [Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] [New Thread 1096081056 (LWP 31571)] [KCrash handler] #5 0x080512cc in AmfsXML::updateNextSongs () #6 0x08068b24 in AmfsXML::updateTime () #7 0x0806ccc8 in AmfsXML::qt_invoke () #8 0x408503d9 in QObject::activate_signal () from /usr/lib/ #9 0x40850890 in QObject::activate_signal () from /usr/lib/ #10 0x40ba1809 in QTimer::timeout () from /usr/lib/ #11 0x40874bef in QTimer::event () from /usr/lib/ #12 0x407ef131 in QApplication::internalNotify () from /usr/lib/ #13 0x407efab9 in QApplication::notify () from /usr/lib/ #14 0x401defae in KApplication::notify () from /opt/kde3/lib/ #15 0x407e3c45 in QEventLoop::activateTimers () from /usr/lib/ #16 0x4079bb6e in QEventLoop::processEvents () from /usr/lib/ #17 0x40806168 in QEventLoop::enterLoop () from /usr/lib/ #18 0x40806066 in QEventLoop::exec () from /usr/lib/ #19 0x407eea7f in QApplication::exec () from /usr/lib/ #20 0x0804fb25 in main () so, what's up? do i need an older FS version for using those themes? regards


I'm using AmarokFS on Gentoo, and it's great except that the reflection is all wrong, showing a random part of the cover image instead of the bottom part. Has anyone else had this problem? I'm using a 1440x900 widescreen, in case that's relevant.


BTW, is there any way to disable the reflection, as a workaround?


AMD64 Ubuntu Package, would someone please be so kind to construct one from the source for Gutsy Gibbon? I'll love you forever, because my machine tends to be allergic to source code. This computer is going to be hooked up to my 32" flat panel LCD and it'd be cool to have this up and running for when I have parties. Also someone have any suggestions for computer multimedia remotes that work with linux, preferrably bluetooth. Wireless infared works too. BTW great work on this plugin!


Very good job! Which tag can I use in the XML script to say "Hello world!" ? ...And to show an picture?


It looks really great, but could you upload also deb64 packets, because I can't compiled it from the source code. thank you very much ;-)


Perhaps this is overkill, but I was just using your app whilst reading. When it hit me, as I looked at the interface. Have you considered putting a volume control and equalizer on it? Another idea I have was putting a pop up list of all the songs available for play so the user can queue them, maybe even add new files from a dir. Thanks for the app!


Alas "next playing" ignores the songs I've added to the playing queue. It strictly shows the songs in playlist order. Is there a way to solve this? Oh and BTW: it would be great if I could choose in the settings which kind of reflection I want to use (I don't like the round one but prefer the old rectangular version).


I'm going to be using this for a party, and great work btw. I wanted to know if there is a command reference for constructing themes for it, or if not if you could so kindly create one. keep up the good work!


Hi, I'm a gentoo user, have installed amarokFS 0.5 through portage. I like it, but there's a rather irritating problem I have. You can see a screenshot of the problem I have at Got any ideas how to fix that reflections problem? It's not taking the right section of the image to reflect.


I'm using FS together with Ubuntu. Since upgrading to 7.10 (including Compiz) the Plugin doesn't work properly anymore. Gnome - or what I assume: Compiz - treats FS as a normal window with all the border and buttons-stuff. Anything I can do about it or is it a bug within FS?


The following is at least a workaround for the problem: 1.) go to the Compiz settings 2.) go to "Window Rules" 3.) add "title=amarokFS" to the Fullscreen attribute


Great! You made my day. Thanks a lot for improving my knowledge on Compiz and some not-so-hidden config settings. ;-)


I'm running AmarokFS on Feisty and the mouse is very shy. It disappears after a few seconds, as I believe it is supposed to, but then doesn't reappear if I wiggle it about. It reappears no problem if I right-click to get the FS menu, and works fine - just a bit tricky when you can actually see the cursor - and a hassle to bring up the menu to retrieve the mouse. Thanks in advance for any help!


I've used AmarokFS a few times on FreeBSD (it's in ports tree). I don't use OSD in Amarok, but AmarokFS always enables it when quitting. I tried disabling the "disable OSD" option, but it didn't have any effect, so it seems that AmarokFS enables OSD upon quit no matter what the option was before. Could you please fix it? :)


Hello Jan, I'm the developer of Kirocker Music Display. We're doing pretty similar applications. I would want to thank you for some of your astucious code to query Amarok, like retreiving the full-size cover art or next songs. The current Amarok DCop interface is not very easy to use for our applications, and could be way enhanced. Like adding signals on song change, information (title, cover, rating) changed by user... I started a thread on the Amarok Development Mailing List about changes needed for the new D-Bus interface of Amarok 2. I invit you to comment on it, if you need more features, or if you would like to add things:


Since this is GPLed, you're open to fix it yourself and provide code, but if you want make something else you're welcome to do so. With your last comment you sound like a fan boy of your own project. A pimp and a whore... WOW! Your family must be so proud.


What was that for? Do you feel like a man now?


Hum... Ok! Thank you :-/ I was just trying to help out. Amarok 2 is shaping up right now, so it's the time or never to help make it more suited for both our programs. If we do nothing, Amarok 2.0 will ship with a not-suited interface, only slowing down us both. We have similar goals. I may have forgotten something I need, that Jan will think about and request to Amarok developers. And vice versa. If you were hungry because we have applications with duplicate goals... Well, it's free software: we do that to have fun. You can't require us to code on project X or Y. And we started with different approaches. Jan with a full-featured and customizable full screen display, me with a Kicker applet adapting the code to also do full screen display. And as a user, this friendly-competition (as I like to call it) make you have more choice. Why complain!

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version 0.5
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 2

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