
Radio Apps

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KStreamRipper (formally KRadioRipper) is a program for recording Internet radios and other streams. For streams that provide information about the song title, it can split the stream and create an own file for each track - with a corresponding file name and corresponding metadata. KStreamRipper is based on Streamripper and provides a well-arranged user interface for whose features. Like Streamripper, it accepts MP3, AAC and OGG streams from Shoutcast-servers and Icecast-servers.

It is stable and usable (but not feature-complete).

If an entry appears twice for you operation system, then one of the entries is the debug package (=if the URL that is displayed in the statusbar when you move the mouse over the link has the text "debug" within it). This is because of a bug of kde-apps.org which catches also the debug packages. To install KStreamRipper, please use the other package.

All of the binary packages which are offered here, are part of repositories, which you can use to install the most recent stable release ("kstreamripper") or the latest development snapshot ("kstreamripper-unstable") or the internal API documentation ("kstreamripper-devel-doc").

You're welcome to make a bug report at
or request a feature at
If reporting a bug, please call "kdebugdialog --fullmode" and set the debug output for kstreamripper for all areas to "Shell". If you can't find kstreamripper in the list, set the debug output for "0 - generic" for all areas to "Shell". This will make you see the debug output when you call KStreamRipper from the console. (In KStreamRipper up to 0.7.91 will instead create a log file "kstreamripper.log" in your home directory.) Please add the debug output to your bug report. If you are reporting a crash, additionally install the kstreamripper-debug packages and include in your report the backtrace (displayed automatically after the crash) and the log file.

KStreamRipper has a very extensive internal API documentation, which is not only available as package (see "Download") and as tarball, but also online:

We search contributors! Just contact with us!
Last changelog:

* Maintaince release
* better GNOME integration
* UI work
* Mandriva 2010.1 packages
* Fedora 15 packages

* Maintaince release
* A crash is fixed
* Enhanced internal build system

* Maintaince release

* Fixed automatic package build for developer documentation

* Support for custom meta data rocessing
* Disabling libproxy temporally support because a libproxy bug that affects all KDE apps (http://code.google.com/p/libproxy/issues/detail?id=96) and because of build problems.
* Start creating experimental .deb packages
* Smother behavior of the general configuration dialog (download directory, manual proxy... are now correctly updated when loading default values and have a cleaner internal interface).
* Provide debug packages in the official repository (only for RPM based distributions).

Ratings & Comments



Congratulations on a very cool utility. I'm seeing just a couple of issues: - cairo-dock acts as if the configuration and help dialogs are still open even after you dismiss them; it stacks them as additional items (that don't actually work if you click them). Is the app simply hiding them and not truly closing them? I've not seen this behavior with other apps, but I don't run many Qt apps regularly. - Under Unity, the "What is this?" tooltips are unreadable. They appear as white text on a yellow background. I don't see anyway to reconfigure the colors used for these dialogs in Unity. I'm probably going to report this one to Canonical though, because I found at least one other Qt app (K3b) that shows the exact same symptoms.


Thanks :-) It's nice to have also users from the GNOME side :-) To respond your questions: 1.) About cairo-dock and closing/hiding dialogs: Frankly I didn't implement any behaviour for closing/hiding. This means that the dialog inherits the default behaviour of the "KConfigDialog" class. At least this is truth for the "general settings dialog" and the "stream settings dialog". As you report, this doesn't seem to be a good solution for cairo-dock. The "about" dialog (I suppose you mean this dialog when you say "help" dialog?) doesn't even has an implementation. It is automatically generated by the KDE framework, whichs copies the content from the general application information. I don't have any influance on the way this dialog is generated or closed. Well, I'm not sure, but it seems that this a problem of the interaction betweeen the cairo-dock framework and the KDE framework (or the Qt framework, which is the underlaying framework for KDE). 2.) About the tooltips/whatsthis: Also the tooltips and the "What's this" help are generated automatically by Qt from the information with which the widgets (buttons, sliders etc.) are created. I don't have any own implementation of this behaviour. Also in this case, it seems to be an interoperability. I supose it's somewhere between Qt and Unity. Qt tries to autodetect the desktop environment which is used and than tries to adopt it's appearance to the widget style and color scheme of this desktop environment. This works normally quite well. Here it seems to fail - eiter because Unity forces Qt to use a wrong color scheme of (IMHO more likly) because Qt doesn't detect correctly the color scheme of Unity. Anyway, it seems to be an interaction problem. I'm sorry to not help you more. But this is a little bit "out of scope". And currently I'm quite busy with my job and don't have much time for programming. But thanks for your feedback.


No apologies necessary. I just thank you for all you've done already and don't expect you to fix all the framework issues between Qt/GTK. One other slightly problematic item you might hear of in regards to Unity and the new notification area: - There's no way to bring the program back up after it's minimized to the tray/notification space. So, your only option is to exit. There is a greyed-out "kstreamripper' option, but you can't select it to bring the menu back up.


This one is something that I can fix. The menu is a custom menu. There isn't any entry to display KStreamRipper because I assumed that each system tray implementation is able to bring back (to the front) any program in the system tray after a simple click with the left mouse button. However, as this seems to be wrong, there should be a menu entry "Restore". I will put this on the TODO list. Thanks for the advice.


ok, I installed it - worked fine, good work. Now I start it. I see a list of streams. When I click on one, nothing happens. When I double-click on one, nothing happens. When I add a stream and click on "record", it seems to record for a second, then it stops and no info. I am afraid I am not the only person with these problems :) thanks for the software Thorsten


You can drag and drop the streams from the icecast stream list (left dock widget) to the main aerea. From there, you can record them. You're right: With a double click, nothing happens. That's no good UI design. I think I will change this for the next release. > it seems to record for a second, then it stops and no info. That's strange. You should get a least an error message. Notice that you need the package "streamripper" (for openSUSE available in the Packman repository). KStreamRipper is simply a GUI for streamripper. Can you give me more details (stream URL, a screenshot ...) and/or open a bug report?


works great now. No, I had not installed streamripper.


Any chance for KDE4 port?


It IS YET for KDE 4 since 2008.


Hiya, I'm just wondering why the "Tune in" command doesn't make use of streamripper's relay function? The -r option will set up a relay on port 8000, or -r <number> to set up a relay on port <number>, which means you don't open two streams from the same radio station (saving them some bandwidth)... then the "Tune in" option could use the url http://localhost:8000 :)


Do not wonder. It does. With a right-click on the column header you can also show a column that indicats the actually used port numbers.


I think I see the problem... the version that comes packaged with Ubuntu looks horribly old, 0.3.4, so I guess I should see if I can gently prod the Ubuntu package maintainers into updating that :)


Hello, nice app! I have some suggestions: 1) Volumecontrol for the listening only would be nice. 2) The possibility to change the identification information global in the settings. So you haven't for every stream by hand. (all steams i added [from shoutcast] were refused to connect until i changed the identification information to "winamp") 3) The possibility to listen streams without recording them actually. 4) The option to record only tracks which match with keywords. For example my keyword list contains the word "Kanye west" so i could listen to my streams an only tracks which contains "kanye west" would be recorded. Okay thats it. Thanks for your work :)


> Hello, nice app! Thanks! > I have some suggestions: > > 1) Volumecontrol for the > listening only would be > nice. That's a good idea. It's on our TODO list, but as I'm quiet busy now with other tasks, it will take some time. We will raise the priority of this feature, but it may take some months ... > 2) The possibility to change > the identification information > global in the settings. So you > haven't for every stream by hand. > (all steams i added [from shoutcast] > were refused to connect until i > changed the identification > information to 'winamp') Yes, that's not working nice actually. However, we plan to try automatically (and silently) with some standard user agent strings (these that are present in the list in the configuration dialog) if a connection is refused. This would solve the problem for all streams that accept at least _one_ of the user agent strings in our current list. Would this be sufficient? > 3) The possibility to listen > streams without recording them > actually. Hm, I'm not sure with this one. From my point of view this is the task of a multimedia player. Which is your use case (= in which context, and doing which task, do you want to need this feature)? > 4) The option to record only > tracks which match with keywords. > For example my keyword list > contains the word 'Kanye west' so > i could listen to my streams an > only tracks which contains 'kanye > west' would be recorded. Yes, that would be fine. It will need a whole rewrite of all parts that do the storage (file saving ...). These parts are quite basic actually, but rewriting them could give more flexibility, implementing features like yours. I'm sorry, this is a huge task and probably will not be done in the next 2 years - we just don't have enough developers to do this. Thanks for your opinion!


>Hm, I'm not sure with this one. From my point of view this is the task of a multimedia player. Which is your use case (= in which context, and doing which task, do you want to >need this feature)? Thanks for your replay and the effort! Hm, i am adding new streams sometimes and could check them out before recording. So you don't need to add the same streams in your audioplayer and don't need to sync them every time. Apropos: an export/import function would be useful.


Okay, I understand your use case for the playback. We will see ... > Apropos: an export/import > function would be useful. What do you want to import/export? You can yet use Drag & Drop to import/export URLs!


There is no 0.7.19 tarball available at sourceforge. Latest is 0.7.16 m0nk


Yes, sourceforge.net had a downtime when I was uploading the file. However, 0.7.16 is practically identical to 0.7.19 - the difference only affects the script for automatic packaging of the internal API documentation, and not the program itself. So you will not note any difference. I'm currently uploading also 0.7.19 to sf.net. Sorry for inconvenience. Enjoy the new version!


Sourceforge is working again, the packages are uploaded and up to date now.


Ok :( Thank you for your answer


i need the following station rippen http://best.live24.gr/best1222?MSWMExt=.asf but i take the error incompatible stream


StreamRipper (and so also KStreamRipper) is not compatible with all types of streams - sorry. It shout work with all streams that are emitted with Shoutcast- or Icecast-server-software. Some other types just don't work.


Hello SommerLuk. Are you KStreamRipper developer? Perhaps it is better to use mplayer instead of StreamRipper. I can record mms/asf streams very well with mplayer, from konsole. For example: mplayer -cache 4096 -cache-min 99 -dumpfile radioStream.mp3 -dumpstream http://best.live24.gr/best1222?MSWMExt=.asf Thanks.


No, that's not a good alternative. mplayer doesn't cut the stream in its tracks (=songs) automatically. And exactly this is the reason to use Streamripper.


To install on Kubuntu Karmic: Install "alien" from repository. Then, download KStreamRipper .rpm Fedora 12 package in your /home/your_user (maybe Mandriva packages works too). Open konsole and run: sudo alien -c rpm_package_name Wait a time and .deb package will be create in your /home/your_user Install .deb package.

0 Affiliates
version 0.7.100
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

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